Kikeba I-Jyan! Shugo Chara!dio #5

July 6th, 2010 § 0 comments

Hosts: Itou Kanae, Toyosaki Aki, Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae
– I just realised I missed one episode.

– The four of them mention Asumi Kana’s love confession at the start of this episode. I forgot it was just last episode. That portion was <3.

– While talking about places they were thinking about going to together they started talking about rollercoasters. Itou Kanae was against rollercoasters and couldn’t handle them while everyone else seemed okay with them. Aki mentioned that she loved them.

– This episode’s corner was “Catch the feeling, Chara-nari challenge” Where Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae and Toyosaki Aki attempt “challenges” centred around Itou Kanae.

– The challenge this time around was centred around puns.

– Aki seems to love puns, the way she was laughing at her own ones after saying them was hilarious.

And adorable <3.

– Aki exclaims “Wow I’m hilarious!” while delivering her puns. Ouch Aki~ ahaha. But that’s what’s so loveable about you~ lolol.

– I loved Aki’s puns… But Asumi won. Then again it might have been my own bias due to how Aki acted. Oh well.

Incidentally, Itou Kanae’s ones were the worst hah.

Is it just me or does it seem like Asumi is leading the radio the most out of the four of them? Not that I’m complaining of course, Asumi is an awesome radio host <3

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