Mizuki Nana no M no Sekai #110

September 9th, 2011 § 2 comments

Name: 水樹奈々のMの世界
Host: Mizuki Nana
Guest: Nakamura Yuuichi
Date: 2011.08.27

Nana mentioned on a previous episode that she might have Nakamura guest on her radio and I had pretty much given up on it since that was over 4 months ago but… It looks like she did end up bringing him on :D The two of them are reasonably friendly and both of them work at the same agency, Sigma 7.

– The two of them laugh that Nakamura does mainly ikemen roles.

– They mention that the first time they were regular cast members together was on Itazura no Kiss. Nakamura voiced her father and they were laughing at how they’re the same age but their roles were daughter and parent haha. Nakamura remembers despairing that he’s playing father roles already when he was only 27 years old at the time.

– The first time they met was on the first episode of Kiba, and only the first episode. Incidentally Nana couldn’t recall the first time they met but Nakamura did heh.

– Nakamura’s character in Nanoha.

Nakamura: After Kiba the next time we met was on… Kiss Dum, and then there was Nanoha.
Nana: Yeah you were that character who’s always watching *laughs*
Nakamura: The one who’s always stalking Nakahara Mai *laughs*
Nana: Yeah *laughs*

 – They laugh that they’ve gone out to eat often together with Sugita.

Nana: We’ve gone out to eat on occasion haven’t we. With Sugita as well.
Nakamura: Yeah always bringing Sugita along. *laughs*
Nana: And you two are always talking about some topic I have no idea about! and I’m like “Huh…? Wait am I interrupting you two by being here? Should I just leave you two be?” *laughs*
Nakamura: Sorry about that *laughs*
Nana: And then at recordings you’re always receiving mail from him saying that he’s done for today and if you want to go eat out with him *laughs* It’s as if you’re dating!
Nakamura: *laughs* Yeah those messages about finishing for the day. Wow hearing it in that way makes it really creepy doesn’t it.

– Apparently Nana got her drivers license when she was 23 years old. A reason she got it was that her dad was really into cars and that influenced her.

– Nakamura asks Nana how many contacts does she have in her mobile phone and she says she can’t say it off her head but it should be around 500+, to Nakamura’s amazement :O. Nakamura on the other hand has around 200-300.

– Nakamura mentions that recently whenever Sugita talks to a girl he always says dirty jokes, which surprises Nana. Nakamura then continues on to say that for some reason Nana is the exception to this.

– Nana mentions that the recordings for M no Sekai when she has guests on has gone over an hour before :O Wow they must cut out so much. Well this is broadcast on the air so they have to follow a strict time and schedule so they can’t really do anything about that :(

– Nakamura laments that although they used to see each other a lot for work, they haven’t been working with one another in recordings at all recently.

As expected, whenever there’s Sugita around, Nakamura’s name pops up and vice versa for Nakamura with Sugita :D

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