Zoku BlazBlue Radio #06

August 19th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink


Hosts: Tomokazu Sugita, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Takahashi Chiaki
Date: 2010.08.12

Second time that the eroqueen Takahashi Chiaki has guested. The last time had quite a bit of ero material but nothing compared to the amount that Koyama Tsuyoshi pulled out lol.

– A fan sends in a mail about how he became a fan of Imai from maining her character Tsubaki. The person reading the letter out was none other than Imai herself… And she felt a bit embarassed saying it out lol.

– A listener sends in a mail despairing about how the girls have got dakimakuras.. But why doesn’t Ragna have one! OTL

– Sugita says “To be blunt, Litchi is the strongest character”. Yeahhh she’s pretty overpowered in CS isn’t she lol.

– I didn’t notice it before but Chiaki and Imai are pretty close friends. The jabs they take at each other are pretty hilarious. Now that I think about it, I’ve heard them together on IdolMaster Radio before, thats probably got something to do with it.

– The drawing corner has a picture of Litchi thinking this episode, instead of a random circle or rectangle.

– I love Sugita’s imitations of Kakihara Tetsuya. HYAAHH—!

– They didn’t announce who was coming to guest for the next episode but they did say that they plan to have one.

And with this episode the day I’ve dreaded has come… I’ve caught up to all the episodes that’s aired to date and have no more to listen to :(

BlazBlue Radio #2

June 24th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Takahashi Chiaki
This episode’s guest is Takahashi Chiaki.

– Sugita explains that he chose Kondou Kanako’s nickname from Gundam + Kondou = Kondom. He settles it by… continuing to use the nick name to her dismay ahahaah.

– First thing Chiaking talks about when she appears is of course… Kanako’s nick name hah.

– When Kanako reacts to Sugita calling her condom Chiaking is all “You should be happy with the name! Condoms are important! Important to the world!” I expected nothing less from Chiaking lolol.

– Listener sends in a mail suggesting the nick name “Kanokon”. Sugita remarks that it sounds like an anime and describes Kanokon the anime.

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