Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #19

April 26th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Name: 伊藤かな恵の超ラジ! Girls
Host: Itou Kanae
Guest: Asumi Kana
Date: 2008.08.12

An old radio episode where Asumi Kana guested on Itou Kanae’s radio. These two are pretty close from Shugo Chara, which had been going on for over one year already at this time. By the way, the picture they’re holding between the two of them is a picture of Asumi drawn by Kanae haha.

– First impression of Kanae…

Asumi: From about one year ago… Hmm I wonder… It was the first time we met [in Shugo Chara]… So… Small!
*Kanae laughs*
Kanae: That was your first impression??
Asumi: Of course it had to be that! You’re so small!
Kanae: Ah… Sorry…
Asumi: So very small!
Kanae: Ah… Sorry… For being small…
Asumi: What was your height again?
Kanae: Eh?! You want me to say it here??!
Asumi: Ah, should I not have asked?
Kanae: It’s 147 cm… So what?!
Asumi: Yep, small!
*The two laugh*
Asumi: Definitely small!
Kanae: I… Guess so…
Asumi: I’m supposed to be the average height for a girl.
Kanae: How tall are you?
Asumi: 160 or 161, somewhere around that.
Kanae: Huh? Isn’t that kinda tall?
Asumi: Not at all! 160 is normal!

– Katou Nanae’s[Miki’s seiyuu from Shugo Chara] first impression of Kanae…

Asumi: You know how there was supposed to be an idol girl singing for the opening theme of Shugo Chara? She had thought that you were that idol girl when she saw you.
Kanae: Really??
Asumi: Yep.
Kanae: Ahh… I’m not an idol…
*Asumi laughs*
Kanae: Not an idol at all… I came from the countryside…
*The two laugh*

– Iguchi…

Kanae: I heard you can’t read Kanji very well…
Asumi: Where?! From who?!
Kanae: Iguchi Yuka-chan?
Asumi: OI OI!
*Kanae laughs*
Asumi: It’s all lies!
Kanae: She was lying?!?
Asumi: Treat whatever that girl says as false!
Kanae: Really?!
Asumi: What’s with that! Iguchi’s definitely DEFINITELY more Kanji illiterate than I am!!
*Kanae laughs*
Asumi: She doesn’t even know Japanese in the first place!
Kanae: Not even that?! Really???
Asumi: Yep, yep!

Oi oi Iguchi doesn’t even know Japanese? As expected Iguchi and Asumi are so close ahaha.

– Iguchi’s radio…

Asumi: I was actually called to guest on Iguchi’s radio as well.
Kanae: Ah really?
Asumi: She was always saying she wanted me to come but… The official guest invite came from here first.
Kanae: Ah… I should probably apologise to Iguchi for that…
Asumi: Nah, it’s okay! She probably just forgot about it while we were having fun together.
*The two of them laugh*
Kanae: Ah so you two were talking about having you come on as a guest.
Asumi: Yeah, and she probably forgot to tell the staff about it. *laughs*

 – It was Asumi’s birthday and the radio program prepared a gift for Kanae to give to her, which was a bathing set. On top of that Kanae prepared her own present for Asumi, which made Asumi really happy about. Ah Kanae how nice~ The present was a cushion with a cat on it.

– Saying good points about each other…

Asumi: You can go first.
Kanae: Well I’m always being helped out by Asumi-san!
Asumi: That’s not a good point.
Kanae: *laughs* Ah well.. Your eyes are big!
Asumi: That’s a good point?
Kanae: *laughs* I think it’s cute! It’s one of your charms!
Asumi: It’s not cute!!
Kanae: Huh? Why are you getting mad??
*The two laugh*
Asumi: It’s because I’m not used to being complimented…
Kanae: Ah I see… So you’re the type to snap back when being praised…

Asumi: Kanae-san’s good points… Let’s see… You’re small!
Kanae: …Eh? Wouldn’t this be harder to push as a good point…?

Asumi: It’s a wonderful thing to be small!
Kanae: …Er really…?
Asumi: Yep!
Kanae: …Okay….
Asumi: Can I end it here?
Kanae: …Okay then…
Asumi: *laughs* Don’t worry there are a plenty of good points about you!

Small is cute! Cute is JUSTICE!

I actually went to listen to this episode of ChoRaji Girls after reading about it here: It’s got a little snippet from the episode in there as well which I found hilarious and would love to write about but I left it out so you can see it at the blog itself ;). Anyone interested in radio show transcriptions should follow that blog as well!

Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #69

July 13th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Name: 伊藤かな恵の超ラジ! Girls
Host: Itou Kanae
Guests: Toyosaki Aki, Kotobuki Minako
Date: 2009.07.28

An old ChoRaji Girls radio episode guesting Kotobuki Minako and Toyosaki Aki from around 2 years ago. Kanae sticks yellow stars around the studio from a suggestion to make her two guests happy and they love it :D. Aki comments that the stars really fit Kanae and Minako laughs that she thought the stars were always set up for Kanae’s radio to give it fantasy kinda feeling lol. The two of them promote Sphere and their new single Super Noisy Nova. Oh and if I recall correctly Minako would still be in high school at this time.

– This is the first time Minako and Kanae’s been on radio together though they’ve met multiple times in recordings and other occasions. Aki chirps in that she’s always with Kanae in recordings and Kanae agrees that they’re always together :D

– Super Noisy Nova was recorded with them all together rather than individually :O

– Kanae laughs that the scene in the PV where they’re all swirling in a cup looks really fun and the two of them joke that they should take her to have a ride in it :D – They teach Kanae a bit of the dance and Aki pronounces Kanae as the 5th member of Sphere ahaha.

– They fawn over how cute Kanae is while she struggles with learning the dance hand signs aksfjlkjadsfkasjd I’m also dying hereaasdkfjadslfjk. They play the music in the background while they dance to it <3

– The three of them talk about how fun the ManiMani recordings are :O

– Aki says that the most wonderful part about the ManiMani event where they sung in a planetarium was the part where Kanae cried :D. Poor Kanae was embarrassed about it <3

– One of Kanae’s corners have them being quizzed on general knowledge. This episode has the questions taken from the ones Kanae didn’t know from the beginning of the show.

The first was “What does BLT stand for?” Kanae’s the host of the quiz so she knows the answer now, but the other two look pretty confident and she despairs that it’s probably an easy one, though she didn’t know the answer lol.

In the end Aki answered correctly with “Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato” and Minako answered… “Barbeque Royal Toast” ahaha.

– One of the questions was “Write ‘Guitar’ in english”… The same question that Aki and Kanae did last time Aki came as a guest :O What a coincidence.

Minako says she has confidence in her answer this time and… Answers “Guiter” which is wrong ahaha. Aki gets it right this time \o/ She laughs that she wrote it as ‘guiter’ last time to Minako.

– In the end Aki gets all of them correct while Minako answers 2/5 correct.

– Minako calls Kanae “Itou-san” once during the radio. This… Might be the first time I’ve heard Kanae being called Itou-san… It’s kinda weird lol. Kanae points it out as well haha.

– Kanae mentions the ED she sung for Taishou Yakyuu Musume, ‘Yume Miru Kokoro’ and Minako exclaims out of nowhere that she loves the song, surprising Kanae :D I love that song so much too… Even though I kinda dislike Kanae’s singing in her other songs D:

Kanae is so adorableajsdfhajkdsfhladsjhkf how can she be so cuteeahdsjklfahldsfkhasldfjhasdjf

Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #55

November 11th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Name: 伊藤かな恵の超ラジ! Girls
Host: Itou Kanae
Guest: Toyosaki Aki
Date: 2009.04.21

Aki guesting on Kanae’s ChoRaji! Girls to promote Sphere :O This was a day before the release of their debut single ‘Future Stream’. Incidentally, this was a bit under 3 weeks after K-ON aired. This was Aki’s first time guesting on her radio show. This episode aired while Shugo Chara’s radio was still active as well as about 5 months before the Railgun radio started.

– The two of them seemed a bit iffy at the start and they noted that it felt a bit weird to be talking one on one on radio, since they know each other well from meeting regularly in the Shugo Chara recordings and it’s radio show. Talking one on one is probably rare for them at this time.

– Aki was asked beforehand the question “What she’s currently interested in” and wrote “Giita” which Kanae asked “Jii…ta?” when reading the answer aloud lol. As everyone knows, Aki’s picked up the guitar ever since K-ON and Kanae also plays the guitar so it’s a nice bit of common ground for them. Though Kanae avoided the subject when Aki asked her about her own guitar playing.

– Ahaha Kanae says “debu[fat]” instead of debut when talking about Sphere’s debut single. “Sphere’s fatty” OTL

– When talking about how the C/W song for Future Stream, Treasures, was an image song for the MMO Trickster, Kanae is unsure of the meaning of an Online game lol, to Aki’s amusement.

– Apparently the filming of the Future Stream PV took a whole day to complete.

– Aki says that Sphere’s next new song was already completed at this time. Next song completed before the debut song’s release :O

– Kanae had trouble taking the lid off her whiteboard marker lol <3

– The two of them are asked to spell ‘Guitar’ in english and they both got it wrong lol. Aki said “Guweetirrrrr” when she displayed her answer <3

– Aki mentions she’s been bitten by a monkey before :O

– Aki tells Kanae that she reads her blog, to her embarassment. Kanae then replies saying she reads hers as well, and the atmosphere becomes pretty… Pink lol.

I miss Railgun radio :(


Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #115

June 20th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Host: Itou Kanae
Guest: Koshimizu Ami

This episode’s guest is Koshimizu Ami.

– I never realised Kanae and Ami were the same age. I always thought Ami was years older D:

– Kanae had a shopping sticker stuck on her clothing, without her knowing, at the start which Ami peeled off. It then went back on to Kanae on her arm, and then onto the table.

– Kanae pressed the panic bell accidentally while doing hand gestures, to which the Kimi ni Todoke OP song played on queue ahaha.

– I still don’t get whats with the “Yurusenai” stuff thats around Koshimizu Ami.

– Ami was promoting her new unit with Sanpei Yuuko, Plafyini(?)

– The beginning had alot of talk about Plafyini and their new single. Kinda boring really lol.

– Ami forced Kanae to read a mail with a “nya” at the end of each sentence hah. And then “daisuki nya”

– When Ami first saw Kanae she though “Small! Omochikaeri small!”

Perhaps if I enjoyed the “Sexual harassment(lol)” corner more I would’ve been more entertained lol.

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