Mizuki Nana no M no Sekai #160

January 28th, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink


Name: 水樹奈々のMの世界
Host: Mizuki Nana
Guest: Seto Asami
Date: 2012.08.25

Nana’s M no Sekai with Seto Asami coming on to guest. The two of them are in the same agency and it looks like they’re rather close, Nana looks to have taken care of Seto quite a bit during her first few recording sessions on Hourou Musuko.

– Seto’s debut role…

Nana: We first co-appeared together on Hourou Musuko~
Seto: Yup~ That was my debut role! I was really cluelesss about anything and everything but Nana-san helped me out so much!
Nana: No no you were wonderful then!
Seto: No not at all!
Nana: You were around 17 years old at the time right?
Seto: Yes.
Nana: You were a high schooler and you attended the recordings in your school uniform! I was like “Wow!” when I saw you!
*They both laugh*
Nana: It reminded me of when I first started! I was around 17 years old at the time as well and attended in my school uniform as well so it really felt like I couldn’t leave you be!

– Passing out on a daily basis…

Nana: I often just pass out–
Seto: Pass out?!?! Ah you mean like after a concert?
Nana: Yeah something like that. But every day.
Seto: That’s amazing…
Nana: Well I always stay up till the very limit and I’m not very good at conserving energy—
Seto: That’s so cool!
Nana: *laughs* Not at all, it’s like I’m a little kid or something! Or an animal
*They both laugh*
Nana: After going crazy I just bam, and pass out.
*Seto laughs*
Seto: I’ll try my best to work hard to pass out every day!
*They both laugh*

The two of them have a pretty nice senpai-kouhai relationship~ Nana’s a really nice senpai!

I’m on quite a Seto Asami streak right now lol, I actually got really into Setomin a while ago but that post kinda fizzled out when Ambiseiy itself pretty much fizzled out haha orz.

Hayami Saori’s Freestyle #92

January 26th, 2013 § 9 comments § permalink

Name: 早見沙織のふり~すたいる♪
Host: Hayami Saori
Guest: Seto Asami
Date: 2013.01.01

Episode 92 of Hayami’s Freestyle. Wow this radio’s come a long way now hasn’t it~ This episode is guesting Seto Asami. The two of them are really close and Seto in particular seems to adore Hayami <3

– Hayami’s been learning to play the guitar! Seems like she sung while playing the guitar a couple of episodes ago :O

– Seto laughs that it feels weird talking about the new year when at the time of recording it’s still 2012.

– Seto goes back to her [edit: Mom’s] hometown, Fukushima for the new year.

– Seto’s attending university while working as a seiyuu, though she says that Hayami attends a different university to her.

– Seto x Hayami?

Seto: When I don’t see you for a while… I start feeling very distant.
Hayami: You do?!
Seto: Like I’m just floating around…
Hayami: Really?! No no way!
Seto: When I get to meet up with you I start coming back down to earth~
Hayami: Like you’re recovering?? *laughs* It’s a good thing to have your heads in the clouds sometimes though~

Seto: If I don’t get to see you at least once a week… I’ll die.
Hayami: Ah *laughs* Thanks.
*Seto laughs*
Hayami: It feels like I just got confessed to! *laughs*

Hayamin sure is popular! <3

– Hayami’s cooked some New Years food for Seto and seto eats it during the recording so happily :D

– Amusingly Hayami’s mother made some for the radio as well.

– Bride training…

Hayami: The radio had a food coordinator called “Shiori” come on the show as a guest–
Seto: Ah, is her name spelt “Shiori” in the english alphabet??
Hayami: Yup
Seto: I’ve got one of her books! *pauses* It’s a cooking book called “Training to be a bride
Hayami: Eh? Why? You do??
Seto: So I can be a good bride *laughs*
*Hayami laughs*
Hayami: You will be! It’ll be okay, especially since you’ve already bought the book!

Seto sounded kinda embarrassed when she said the name of the book ahaha.

– Looks like Seto has a liking for puns :D

I’ve only started listening into Setomin’s radio work pretty recently but she’s such a sweet girl~ Seto seemed to really enjoy Hayami’s company here, how heart warming <3

(Finally a normal post that’s not seiyuu yuri(?) or sekuhara ww)

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