What Do You Think About Big Breasts?

December 19th, 2012 § 16 comments § permalink

This isn’t radio but instead is part of the cast Q&A interview for the upcoming Senran Kagura anime at senran.tv/special/archives/castcomment.html. The cast was asked a few questions, but one in particular had some amusing responses >:D

Q. What do you think about big breasts?

Harada Hitomi:
World Peace.

Imai Asami:
Idiots! You’re all—! Ah, sorry I lost myself there for a moment. Don’t ask a girl something like that! I love them!!

Kobayashi Yuu:
Katsuragi, the character I’m voicing, has them and I think they’re wonderful.

Mizuhashi Kaori:
I don’t think everything being big is necessarily a good thing. *laughs*

Iguchi Yuka:
How nice…

Kitamura Eri:
Yess. Moar plz.

Kayano Ai:
Rather than having a big chest, I believe having a balanced body is best— Wait what am I saying (^_^;)
This is sexual harassment! *laughs*

Shiraishi Ryouko:
I want to feel them. I want them. I like them. (…I don’t have them… *cry*)

Gotou Saori:
I think they’re nice. From a girl’s perspective though, the body as a whole should have a balance.

Toyoguchi Megumi:
Well that’s a crazy question *laughs*

Seriously what are they asking the poor female cast ahaha. Poor Imai is always teased about her [small] chest size so her little lash out was a nod to that :D Amusingly KitaEri’s answer was JP net lingo haha.

Oh and Kayanon so cuuute~ <3


August 10th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink

Hosts: Yoshino Hiroyuki, Shiraishi Ryouko, Sugita Tomokazu
Date: 2011.08.05

Web radio that just started last week for the SKETDANCE anime. The three of them is an interesting combination though it’s kinda strange how the radio itself has just started while the anime on the other hand is well under way. Perhaps it’s a sign of the anime being renewed for another season in the very near future, or the continuation of the current season for much longer? :O

– The name was thought up by Shiraishi :O

– Sugita seems to be a fan of Satou Satomi’s voice <3

– Yoshino asks Shiraishi to say “perori” throughout the radio and fanboys over her whenever she does it ahaha. Sugita himself is loving it too :D

The radio itself was rather short and had them mainly discussing what happened in the latest episode, and if not that then explanations on the corners that listeners were to send in mail for. Next week should be a more fleshed out episode, but the radio itself was pretty interesting to listen to. Err it looks like next episode is hosted by Miyake Kenta, Inoue Marina and Yoshino Hiroyuki… Where’s Sugitaaaaaaaaaa :(

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