MoshiDoRadio #01

March 9th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Hosts: Hanazawa Kana, Hikasa Youko
Date: 2011.02.28

Radio for the upcoming anime series MoshiDora hosted by Miyata Yuuki’s Hanazawa Kana and Kawashima Minami’s Hikasa Youko. It looks like it’s on a fortnightly airing schedule. I’ve been looking forward to hearing it ever since I found out about it since I love Hikasa and Kana’s radio work <3

– The two of them talk about how they’ve never hosted a radio together, though they’ve appeared in many shows together. Kana says she was looking forward to it :D

– Kana calls her annoying after Hikasa says her first name weird
Hikasa: “Oh keep going with the come backs, I won’t break down that easily!”

– Poor Kana has moments where she has no idea how to react to Hikasa’s antics lol, and Hikasa just laughs it off.

– They celebrated Kana’s birthday on the radio \o/ Kana must’ve had her birthday celebrated like 10 seperate times already haha.

– Kana had to read out the anime story introduction in english, and failed lol. Hikasa then had a try at it and didn’t fare much better ahaha.

– Hikasa apparently was in the softball club back in school.

– The show has them reading out various introductions about the show in a theme they pull out of a box, such as “Like a rapper” or “While laughing”. Ahaha poor Kana pulled out the rapper and Hikasa got the laughing one and did great :D

– The two of them say that Hikasa’s character is really similar to Hikasa’s personality.

– Oh Hikasa has a driving licence :O
Hikasa: “You didn’t expect me to have one right? Yeah well my driving teacher said to me ‘When you have an accident I don’t think it’ll be a scrape, it’ll probably end with an explosion'”

– Kana says she hopes the radio will continue for a long time so she can level up her tsukkomi skills with Hikasa lol, though Hikasa says she did some great tsukkomis today already.

I really enjoyed the radio :O I’ll probably keep up with it.

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