What Do You Think About Big Breasts?

December 19th, 2012 § 16 comments § permalink

This isn’t radio but instead is part of the cast Q&A interview for the upcoming Senran Kagura anime at senran.tv/special/archives/castcomment.html. The cast was asked a few questions, but one in particular had some amusing responses >:D

Q. What do you think about big breasts?

Harada Hitomi:
World Peace.

Imai Asami:
Idiots! You’re all—! Ah, sorry I lost myself there for a moment. Don’t ask a girl something like that! I love them!!

Kobayashi Yuu:
Katsuragi, the character I’m voicing, has them and I think they’re wonderful.

Mizuhashi Kaori:
I don’t think everything being big is necessarily a good thing. *laughs*

Iguchi Yuka:
How nice…

Kitamura Eri:
Yess. Moar plz.

Kayano Ai:
Rather than having a big chest, I believe having a balanced body is best— Wait what am I saying (^_^;)
This is sexual harassment! *laughs*

Shiraishi Ryouko:
I want to feel them. I want them. I like them. (…I don’t have them… *cry*)

Gotou Saori:
I think they’re nice. From a girl’s perspective though, the body as a whole should have a balance.

Toyoguchi Megumi:
Well that’s a crazy question *laughs*

Seriously what are they asking the poor female cast ahaha. Poor Imai is always teased about her [small] chest size so her little lash out was a nod to that :D Amusingly KitaEri’s answer was JP net lingo haha.

Oh and Kayanon so cuuute~ <3

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