Satomi Satou’s Sugar Pot #1

January 25th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Host: Satomi Satou
Date: 2009.10.09

Radio hosted by Satou Satomi. The radio show ended rather quickly for a solo radio at its 13th episode, but it seems to be rather popular in it’s own right.  Sugar is wonderful~~

– This seems to be the first time Satomi has hosted a radio show on her own though she’s been on many other radio shows with other people before. She mentioned she was a bit nervous.

– Apparently her grandfather was the one who named her “Satomi”

– The name of the radio “Sugar Pot” came from when she and Hikasa were brainstorming ideas for the name while in a taxi together, and building from the name of her blog “Osatou Kan” (Sugar Can) they came up with “Sugar Pot”.

– One of the corners had her making tea.

– Satomi was a cheer girl in middle school and wore a cheergirl out fit \o/

Satomi loves talking about Hikasa, and you can tell :D Her name pops up regularly on this radio too. Other than Hikasa, she’s close friends with Takamoto Megumi as well it seems and she mentions her a bit too.

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