Art: Seiyuu 3D -> 2D Sketches

October 9th, 2011 § 11 comments § permalink

I used to draw a bit a while back but for some reason I’ve kinda stopped sometime along this year. I managed to find some motivation to draw recently though due to a blog post on KoeNews about a forum thread where people drew 2D versions of seiyuu photos and I found it interesting enough to try it out myself. I first started with Itou KanaeBecause Kanae is a miracle of the universe <3. I found that drawing these were pretty fun to do and didn’t take much effort compared to a full drawing so I got pretty into it and drew a couple more.

I then went on to draw Taketatsu AyanaAmusingly, Ayana’s hair was pretty hard to draw, that wavy long hair looks great but takes some effort to get right :O Ayachi’s so pretty though~

I then drew Toyosaki Aki which should look familiar since I’ve used it as the background of the blog:Drawing her was really fun. This is actually not the first time I’ve drawn Aki and Aki has always been fun to draw since she’s got a wonderfully unique smile and her poses are adorable <3. I found this pose in particular so cute~

I then took a break from drawing for quite some time and then half-heartedly tried to draw Mimori Suzuko, which probably reflected in the sketch. Sorry Mimorin~!I have to say that I’m pretty enamored with Mimorin’s smile though (*´▽`*) It’s such a radiant, bright, cheerful, lovely, _______________ etc. etc. smile~ (*´Д`)
Err… That aside, I had quite some trouble with this drawing, one of them was getting the smile right D: Amusingly I had drawn many versions of her smile before I settled on this one, ranging from realistic, which just looked plain weird haha, to a simple anime “:D” smile. In the end I couldn’t quite get it down right so I settled with the one you see there.

These were pretty fun to draw~ I might draw a couple more later on, I’m looking at doing a Tomatsu Haruka one as well as a Hanazawa Kana sketch before finishing up.

Oh and, umm if anyone’s interested in seeing any other drawings I’ve got a Pixiv page at  m(_ _)m (Warning: It’s kinda NSFW lol)

Art: Homura x Madoka

March 22nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve currently got no (english) place to put my art right now so I’ll probably start moving art posts and stuff here.

I’ve been wanting to draw faces in profile for a while now so with this I finally got around to doing it. Also a friend told me to stop drawing only one character so this was also a good opportunity to do that. Colouring like this speeds up the process so much more than doing a complicated paintery style colouring. It’s fun to do that every now and again though I guess.

If anyone’s curious to see my other art they’re at my Pixiv at [Pixiv]. WARNING: There ARE some NSFW stuff in there lol. I’m still unsure if I want to put those ones up here. I’ll think about it a bit more.

Art: Drawing Sphere

August 4th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

Decided to do a rough sketch of Sphere’s A.T.M.O.S.P.H.E.R.E cover for fun.
Hmm they look pretty different OTL
I’ll decide later on whether to finish and colour it.
Also in my opinion, as much as I love Aki the most, Haruka is the best looking person in Sphere :3



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