Toaru Radio no Railgun #32

June 13th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Toyosaki Aki, Itou Kanae
Guests: Satou Rina, Arai Satomi

Final episode of Radio Railgun ;_;. Guests for this episode are Arai Satomi and Satou Rina.

– Itou Kanae and Toyosaki Aki’s child voice was great before, but it’s getting better with each episode lol, so cute <3

– They each had to imitate a certain part of each character hah.

Toyosaki Aki: Kuroko’s right twintail

[I’m the right twintail- desu no]

Itou Kanae: Uiharu’s flower hair accessory

Arai Satomi: Misaka’s railgun coin.

[..I’m coin number 47… She sure shoots alot… They won’t ever come back…]

Satou Rina: Saten’s bat she used in the last episode.

And so ends one of my favourite radio shows. I’ll miss you ;_;

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