BlazBlue Radio #4

June 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Hikida Takashi

– Kanako starts off by introducing herself as “Kondom changed to Kon-chan, Kondou Kanako!” to which Sugita responds by saying “Kondom, shortened to Kon-chan!”

– This episode’s guest is Arakune’s seiyuu Hikida Takashi

– It was Imai’s birthday and they brought in a cake to celebrate with the words “Happy birthday Imajin!”

They then sang Happy Birthday completely out of sync with each other hah.

– When Sugita asked how old she was now he guessed 40 something ahaha how horrible! (she turned 32)

Doesn’t look like there is a guest next episode.

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