Toaru Radio no Railgun #29

June 13th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Toyosaki Aki, Itou Kanae

– Listener sends in mail about passing his tests, and asks for congratulations from their characters. I love it when Seiyuu switch into character <3

– They played Uiharu’s Character song. It’s not too bad really. Then again Misaka’s one was pretty good too. Kuroko’s was kinda… off though lololol.

Three more episodes to go till the finish ;_;

Toaru Radio no Railgun #28

June 13th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Toyosaki Aki, Itou Kanae

Aki’s doing the sound effects of this episode, *popon!* *wan!*



– Uiharu in Aki’s hometown accent! “スカートめくらんといて~!”

– Kanae-chan hates wasabi.

[Kanae: I… hate wasabi

Aki: …that’s childish… *pupupu*

Kanae: Thats horrible ;_;

Kanae: What about mustard! You hate mustard!

Aki: Thats COMPLETELY different!


Kanae is cute sdjkaflsdkf

– Apparently Kanae and Aki provided their voices for the mass children saying “Kiyama-sensei”.

I love Radio Railgun, Itou Kanae x Toyosaki Aki is such a great combination. <3

Toaru Radio no Railgun #27

June 13th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Toyosaki Aki, Itou Kanae

– Aki loved the scene near the end of Railgun where Misaka calls for Kuroko and she teleports in to send her the chunk of metal to railgun away at Therestina. She got really heated up talking about it lol (banging the table in excitement).

– Kanae on the other hand liked the scene where the children woke up to Kiyama-sensei.

– Discussion about how living alone can get pretty lonely:

Ahaha Toyosaki Aki plays Tomodachi Collection, when she’s lonely.

[ Itou Kanae: “Wait, you just have a conversation with them and… they’re not real…?”

Toyosaki Aki: “You just gave me a really sad look” ]

[ Toyosaki Aki: “Something like having a prop of Uiharu and talking to it. As Toyosaki Aki”

Itou Kanae: “…eh?”

Toyosaki Aki: “Then living alone becomes pretty lively!”

Itou Kanae: “…” ]

I love you Aki <3 <3

– Aki uses her adult voice, and goes even lower :O I can barely recognise her when she does it hah

– Aki sings a bit of ‘Dear My Friends’ ahaha

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