June 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Host: Sugita Tomokazu
Guest: Mizuki Nana

Radio hosted by Tomokazu Sugita for Metal Gear Solid, guesting Mizuki Nana. Thats a rare combination to hear on radio :O

– Nana comments on how close Sugita is to Nakumura Yuuichi and he replies

Sugita: “No way, thats disgusting”

Nana: “You’re grinning as you say that”

Sugita: “It’s cause I’m having fun here with you”

– Nana talks about how they first met and what was her first impression of him. They didn’t say a name for the first anime recording they met at but I’m guessing she’s referring to Seven of Seven(Nana Nin no Nana) about 8 years ago. She thought he was a mysterious person at first but found that he was actually easy to talk with.

– Sugita’s first impression of Nana was a capable person overflowing with potential, but then with some unexpected clumsy bits, which he found extremely adorable. How wonderful lol

– Sugita’s impression of Wakamoto Norio sounds really similar :O

– Kikuchi Yumi sounds cute, though her voice acting doesn’t impress me OTL. I like her laugh though <3

– Sugita likes to talk about Nakamura Yuuichi alot lol

– Sugita and Nakamura didn’t come to Nana’s last live and were “crying tears of blood”, she noticed and put up some mock(?) sadness haha. She invited them to come to her next one though, Live Games.

– There were lots of Metal Gear material that I have no idea about hah.

This episode was pretty enjoyable, I haven’t heard them together before but they really get along well. I love how Sugita fanboys over Nana haha.

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