Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #115

June 20th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Host: Itou Kanae
Guest: Koshimizu Ami

This episode’s guest is Koshimizu Ami.

– I never realised Kanae and Ami were the same age. I always thought Ami was years older D:

– Kanae had a shopping sticker stuck on her clothing, without her knowing, at the start which Ami peeled off. It then went back on to Kanae on her arm, and then onto the table.

– Kanae pressed the panic bell accidentally while doing hand gestures, to which the Kimi ni Todoke OP song played on queue ahaha.

– I still don’t get whats with the “Yurusenai” stuff thats around Koshimizu Ami.

– Ami was promoting her new unit with Sanpei Yuuko, Plafyini(?)

– The beginning had alot of talk about Plafyini and their new single. Kinda boring really lol.

– Ami forced Kanae to read a mail with a “nya” at the end of each sentence hah. And then “daisuki nya”

– When Ami first saw Kanae she though “Small! Omochikaeri small!”

Perhaps if I enjoyed the “Sexual harassment(lol)” corner more I would’ve been more entertained lol.

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