Sugita Tomokazu no Anigera! DeDooon #37

August 28th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink


Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, SP Tanaka
Guests: Umino Chika (+ Nakamura Yuuichi as a surprise later on)
Date: 2010.08.26

Guest on this week’s Dedooon is Umino Chika, Honey and Clover’s mangaka. Interestingly enough Kamiya was also there, though not as a guest. He came into the studio but didn’t talk much, probably something to do with pay and other business related things, he came along just to play after all :)

– Sugita says Gatou Shouji (Full Metal Panic’s writer) has one of the coolest voices out of the other creators he’s heard.

– Kamiya starts talking more when the video game playing corner comes on. He goes back to silent after it ends though.

– Sugita asks Umino to draw AGRS there. :O

Incidentally, this was what she drew:

– Nakamura Yuuichi comes in as a surprise guest 40 minutes into the show to celebrate Umino’s birthday! :D

– The three of them sing a really low song for her, it wasn’t happy birthday too lol.

– Umino sounded really happy, how wonderful <3.

Nakamura had work right before coming so he had to come late, it’s nice he arrived as early as he could though.

Also, if anyone was curious, the name of this radio comes from a merge of “Anime, Game, Radio” for “Anigera” and “Dedooon” is just the sound effect for an explosion.

Macross F○♪△ #95

August 3rd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Nakamura Yuuichi, Kamiya Hiroshi, Nakajima Megumi
Guest: Tomokazu Sugita
Date: 2010.1.26

The other Macross F radio episode that has Sugita guesting, about 9 months after his first guesting. For those wondering about the title of the radio show, the show goes through seasons with each season seeing a new set of symbols after the “F” in the title. Additionally, with the start of each show a new title is used, keeping the “Macross” + a second phrase of sentence starting with “F”. This episode’s title was “Macross Fanatic Crisis”.

– Sugita mentions that “He didn’t think that he’d be invited as a guest a second time”

– They mention that during the recording there weren’t many toilet breaks and says that Hoshi Souichiro next to him really needed to go but was holding it in for a long time lol.

– Oh, it looks like it was Kamiya’s birthday, they celebrated it on the show by bringing in cake :O

– This was the second time they’ve celebrated Kamiya’s birthday on the show and Kamiya notes that this was the first time his birthday’s been celebrated more than once on the same radio show.

– Sugita bought Kamiya some sneakers for his birthday. The same ones that Sugita himself wears lol.

I’ve been putting a lot of Sugita x Nakamura stuff here recently… I normally stay away from the whole male seiyuu x male seiyuu fandom but Sugita’s definitely one of the more interesting personalities in the seiyuu world and his friendship with Nakamura is amusing to see and hear about.

Macross F○※△ #56

August 3rd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Nakamura Yuuichi, Kamiya Hiroshi, Nakajima Megumi
Guest: Tomokazu Sugita
Date: 2009.4.28

Macross Frontier radio hosted by Nakamura Yuuichi (Alto), Kamiya Hiroshi (Mikhail) and Nakajima Megumi (Ranka). There’s always been a lot of talk about Sugita on Macross F radio to the point that the hosts of the show have made up a mock corner named “This week’s Sugita” whenever they start talking about him.

He has always been a guest that listener’s have requested in mail to come on to the show but they haven’t really guested him until this episode, almost two years after they’ve started broadcasting. To this date, they’ve had him guest one more time on 2010.01.28.

– Kamiya seems to be the person who told Sugita about his character on Macross before he auditioned for it, saying he thought the character would fit Sugita.

– When Megumi was asked “What was your first impression of Sugita” She mentions that it was around the recording of the third episode when Sugita randomly went up to her and asked “Hey this is cute isnt it?” while brandishing his shell mobile phone strap:

He then went on to say “Nakamura’s pretty scary isn’t he? But he’s actually pretty shy so there’s no need to be afraid of him” Megumi’s impression of him from that was “Ah he must be a nice person if he’s worrying about us like that”

– They mention that the Macross Frontier Chief Director Kawamori Shouji listens in to the show.

Regardless of what I think of her voice acting ability, Mamegu is pretty cute on radio <3

Zoku BlazBlue Radio #03

July 20th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink


Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Nakamura Yuuichi

Blazblue Radio was renewed to, what I’m guessing, promote Continuum Shift on the PS3 and XBox 360. I’m not entirely sure though since Continuum Shift was released on July 1st and the radio is still continuing, not to mention it was only up to it’s 3rd episode at that point, perhaps the reason will be given on the first episode.

I skipped ahead to episode 3 due to wanting to listen to Nakamura Yuuichi’s guesting episode, I’ll go back and work through the rest of the episodes after I’m done with this episode.

– Sugita stuffs up reading Nakamura’s name while announcing him as the guest and redoes the introductions from the start.

– In one of the new corners they have an image and they have to finish it off in accordance to a set theme. This episode was a random rectangle with the theme being “Hazama’s important object”

– Imai drew Tetris lol “He might not have many friends… So this could be really important to him”

– Kanako drew a table, where Hazama huddles underneath.

– Nakamura drew Hazama’s glove out of the rectangle. That may be pretty spot on actually.

– Sugita drew a hat rack.

– Nakamura’s picture won, as expected I guess.

– Everyone’s seems to be playing BlazBlue against Nakamura in the next corner. Nakamura hasn’t played before though so the result’s gonna be pretty obvious I’m thinking.

– Kanako wins against Nakamura.

– Imai wins as well. She seems to have been practicing.

– Kanako and Imai comments on how serious Sugita looks while he’s playing. He finishes Nakamura off with a special attack as usual hah.

– Nakamura comments that he doesn’t think he can play Hazama and tries Bang instead. Sugita and Nakamura play again except Nakamura selects Bang and Sugita goes Hazama.

– Doesn’t seem like Sugita knows how to play Hazama so it’s a pretty even match.

– Sugita loses to Nakamura and they comment that Hazama is a pretty hard character.

I enjoyed this episode, Nakamura and Sugita are really close friends after all. Also I just started playing BlazBlue myself so I loved the actual gameplay segments of the show <3

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