About Post Formatting…

November 25th, 2011 § 22 comments

The previous OreImo post was probably the longest post I’ve written so far and I’m wondering… Do people mind long posts or are they too bloated to read at this point? I usually try not to get my word count too high per post since a long post in point format may be a pain to read but if people would prefer to read more I might just stop worrying about the word count.

On that note, I’m also wondering if people prefer the transcription format or the summary blurbs for the note points. Summary blurb points normally take a lot less room and I usually cover more points of the radio with them, on top of that it may be easier as well as faster to read so I’m not really sure which one to use more of.

You can see an example of a full summary blurb post at this other episode of OreImo Radio. You might notice that I end up writing about a lot more different points of the radio since it takes a lot less space if I use summary points compared to transcriptions where I only cover a few points of the radio. I started with this sorta format and I’ve been gravitating to the transcription format over time but if people find it harder to read I can stick with the notes. Keep in mind that I’ll most likely continue to use a mix of the two, I’d just like to see which one people would prefer to read and I’ll probably just tip the balance of the two within a post more in favor of the dominant choice.

I tried to use the transcription format for the most part of the previous OreImo Radio post but it may have just become a really bloated and long winded post. So once again to reiterate, 1. Which format would you prefer to read? and 2. Are long posts a pain to read?

Which type of post formatting do you prefer?

  • I prefer the summary blurbs, that way there'll be more content and it's easier to read for me. (5%, 6 Votes)
  • I prefer transcriptions, they're easier to read for me and I enjoy reading them more. (68%, 78 Votes)
  • I don't mind either one. (26%, 30 Votes)

Total Voters: 114

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Do you prefer longer posts?

  • I prefer shorter posts which I can read and absorb quickly with no hassle. (1%, 1 Votes)
  • I prefer longer posts so I can read about the radio in more detail. (87%, 104 Votes)
  • I don't mind either way. (12%, 14 Votes)

Total Voters: 119

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§ 22 Responses to About Post Formatting…"

  • omgwtf says:

    Usually when there’s something really interesting (like the hand grabing thing with Sugita) then I go and listen to/watch the show. But otherwise, transcriptions are tl;dr for me :)

  • Miharu~ says:

    I prefer transcriptions!! I don’t mind reading long posts at all since I really enjoy reading those AyaKana lovely conversations!! :3

  • […] There were too many parts of the radio I wanted to write about lol. I think I’m gonna need to talk about post formatting sometime […]

  • sdfsdfsd says:

    Man, you kidding? The more of it we get, the better! The difference between “bloated” and “deliciously content rich” is merely the reader’s own personal interest in the material after all.

    In my ideal world these would all be available on video and subtitled, but nobody has the time to do that, so the next best thing is getting as much meat as possible.

    I mean sure it’s your choice, you’re the one doing the work. But for someone like me who does not know nearly enough Japanese to fully appreciate these radio shows, but who really really really wishes he did, you’re providing a hugely valuable service.

    I found your blog only recently when Hashihime linked it, and have loved every second I’ve spend reading it (your great taste in seiyuu doesn’t hurt either). The longer the entry, the more fun I have. I really appreciate what you’re doing, all the more when you give us more content.

    So please, translate/transcribe as much as you have the ability, interest and time to! This is such an underserved niche for non-Japanese speaking fans, and you’re one of very few who fills in some of the gaps for us. People who don’t want to read the transcribed parts for whatever reason can just skip them after all, while the rest of us would have nowhere else to turn.

    • Ambi says:

      Ah thanks for the wonderful comment, I’m glad you like the blog :D
      I’m happy people don’t mind reading long posts as well, trying to keep the word count from getting out of hand was a bit of a pain at times haha.

    • vic says:

      Same here. I’ve only found 2 subbed segments of the OreImo radio show and I would want to see more, but this blog, with the transcripts, works too. I know just enough Japanese to match the audio with the transcripts given here and it somewhat helps with my learning of the Japanese language :)

  • Furuba-tan says:

    I really like the transcriptions~ but summaries are also okay, if the transcription wouldn’t be that interesting. I think you recently found a good mix with summary und transcription. for example the last oreimo post or aoi, saori shin bangumi, very appropriate choice of transcripts. ⊂( ^ω^)⊃
    for summaries maybe things like news from the seiyuus, like that one from hanazawa kana about her photoshoot in switzerland.

    and I will make subtitles of some radios with your transcripts again anytime, so that it’s funnier to read and listen to. that’s a reason why I like transcripts. I mean, nearly everypony who comes to your blog is a seiyuu otaku, so we have to listen to these awesome voices, ne~ /)^ɛ^(\

    ♡(✿ˇ◡ˇ)人(◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)♡

    and btw: if you can give me some tips to how to draw so awesome like you, I would appreciate it. very difficult to draw with a graphic tablet. *¬*
    and I also wouldn’t mind if you write about random things from your life or something like that.

    (」・∀・)シ/ ===@

    • Ambi says:

      I’m looking at keeping a balance of the two formatting types as well :D

      My drawing isn’t that good so I don’t think I can help that much. Just keep practicing I guess, even my terrible drawing improved bit by bit with practice so if you keep at it, it should work out.

      I don’t write much stuff about myself but most of the personal stuff I do write about ends up on my twitter so that would be the best place to follow if you’re so inclined.

  • r3 says:

    I-If Ambi had more time to do longer stuff, that’d be nice….



  • Jeremia says:

    I don’t really have enough time to listen to the radio shows I’d like to, with all the anime, visual novels and light novels, not to mention my studies of orthodox theology and comparitive school pedagogy, so I am more than grateful for your transcriptions and summaries, nevermind how long they might be.
    Really, if you ever came to Poland, feel free to step in for a glass of vodka!

  • Aurey says:

    Sure looks like the people have spoken. You know my stance on this (・ω<)てへぺろぉ~

  • Kamon says:

    Please continue writing as much as you feel like, I’ll be reading every word~

  • Dan says:

    Personally, I don’t see why people would come to this blog if they didn’t want to read as much as possible. Chances are that most people can’t understand every word being said or are unable to keep up with the speed the seiyuus converse at so they read it instead as an alternative. So having long transcriptions is actually really helpful to most people. Or at least, that’s my opinion anyways.

    Keep up the good work and please keep transcribing! :)

  • L says:

    While it’s probably better for the visitor to have more content, it would also probably be easier for them and you in the long run to hide long posts with a short description of what the radio segment entails. When you find a certain segment interesting, you can unhide it. Actually, don’t most blogs do this?

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