February 28th, 2012 § § permalink
Host: Hirohashi Ryou
Guest: Tomatsu Haruka
Date: 2011.12.16
Radio for the second season of WORKING. This episode has Tomatsu Haruka guesting, the voice of Mitsuki(As well as the Neko-gumi april fools character).
– The two of them talk about how the first time they met was when Tomatsu was a teenager. After marveling at how much of an adult she’s become Tomatsu invites Hirohashi to go drinking with her sometime lol.
– Tomatsu is greatly amused by the nickname “Ono Dynamite” Hirohashi stuck on Ono Daisuke lol. They reason that he’s like a dynamite, silent sometimes but suddenly explodes with energy haha.
– Tomatsu says her favourite… Shark is the Whale Shark.
– Tomatsu said she was nervous that she might not be able to mix in well in the recordings due to her coming in halfway through the second season but she was happily received by the cast :D Amusingly Nakamura mentioned this about himself last episode as well.
– Tomatsu was really surprised when she found out she was doing both the April Fools character and her current character in WORKING.
– Tomatsu was told to copy how Nakamura adlibbed the part when Youhei tried to fix up door after breaking it. The whole “*Struggling* Huh? How does this go again?” part to make them seem more like twins. Tomatsu wrote down Nakamura’s adlib when it happened so she wouldn’t forget it.
– Tomatsu mentions that she’s called by Tomatsu or Tomacchan a lot but she’s rarely, if ever, called “Haruka-chan” though she says she has been called “Haru-chan” and her family calls her just “Haruka”
– Apparently Tomatsu hasn’t worked part time before apart from the seiyuu job :O Seems like she was prohibited from doing it.
– Tomatsu asks “Do deer have teeth?” lol.
– Tomatsu mentions that when she goes overseas with her parents her dad speaks english so she’s never had much trouble going around.
– Tomatsu says she hasn’t met Takatsu Karino in person before though she really wants to. Once again Hirohashi describes her as a cute and pretty girl :O I wonder what she looks like hah. Apparently Karino lives in Hokkaido as well, the part of Japan where WORKING is set.
These two sounded like they were having a lot of fun talking. Hirohashi seems to get along pretty well with anyone despite how weird she is lol.
January 23rd, 2012 § § permalink
Name: 花澤香菜のひとりでできるかな?
Host: Hanazawa Kana
Guests: Yahagi Sayuri, Tomatsu Haruka
Date: 2011.12.21
HitoKana’s famous christmas episode with Yahagi Sayuri and Tomatsu Haruka coming on to guest. Every year on Christmas so far Kana has brought Yahagi Sayuri and Tomatsu Haruka in to guest, making this the 4th time that they’ve come on.
– Four years…
Kana: I didn’t think we’d be doing this for four years now.
Tomatsu: I’m so happy we are~ Wow four years!
Yahagi: It really reminds me of how much time has passed already!
Tomatsu: Yeah now we’re all in our twenties!
*Yahagi gasps*
Kana: Ah we can all drink alcohol now can’t we.
Tomatsu: I just keep downing them now! I love beer!
Yahagi: Ah let’s all go drinking sometime!
Tomatsu: Yeah lets!
– Kana says she’ll buy Tomatsu’s live concert DVD but Tomatsu says she’ll just give it to her. It looks like both of them couldn’t attend her lives though.
– Tomatsu is HEAVILY feasting on the KFC there lol.
Yahagi: *laughs* There’s so much stuck on your face! *Wipes Tomatsu’s mouth for her* You can’t let that happen! There was a huge one stuck on you!
*Kana laughs*
Tomatsu: I did it so Yahagi would wipe it off for me!
Kana: Next year you should aim to be the one doing that for Yahagi.
Tomatsu: Yeah I should!
Yahagi: I’ll have so much leaking from my mouth for you, leave it to me! I’ll just have it all pouring out of my mouth! *laughs*
*Kana laughs*
Tomatsu: You better!
Yahagi: It’ll all just be hanging out of my mouth!
*Tomatsu laughs*
Kana: You can’t do that!
Tomatsu: I won’t forget it! Next year I’ll be like “Aww Yahagi you can’t be like that~ Calm down~”
Oh god half chewed KFC pouring out of someones mouth, that would be soooo bad OTL.
– Apparently Yahagi’s currently in to Uta no Prince-sama :O She says her favourite is Jinguuji Ren.
– They say that they want to continue this for another year, saying that they should record it at a restaurant next time.
– About Radio Cross…
Yahagi: I’m doing a radio with my junior from the same agency, Sakura Ayane.
Kana: Ahh!
Yahagi: It’s… Crazy. It’s really really crazy.
Kana: Ayane-chan spaces out and stuff doesn’t she!
Yahagi: Err spaces out? She just loves you so much that she acts really nice in front of you!
*Kana laughs*
Yahagi: When I told her that I was coming to guest here today she was like “What?! Why is it only you that’s going!?!” Even if you say that to me… “You better do a proper job there!” and that’s how she sent me off here.
Kana: *laughs* Really?!
Yahagi: The age difference between us is about 7 years and you can really feel the generation gap.
Kana: It sounds interesting!
Yahagi: We’re promoting a drama CD called “Quad Cross” with the radio but to tell the truth… We don’t really do much to promote it *laughs* We just do a whole lot of activities totally unrelated to it.
This post doesn’t do the episode any justice! The episode was hilarious, I’d recommend looking it up if you’re a bit interested in any of the three seiyuu :D.
August 22nd, 2011 § § permalink
Name: かんなぎらじお
Hosts: Hanazawa Kana, Tomatsu Haruka
Date: 2008.07.09
As you can probably tell from the title, this radio is an old radio from about 3 years ago for the Kannagi anime. The first episode had Tomatsu Haruka with the director Yamamoto Yutaka but without Hanazawa Kana… But I skipped covering that hah.
– The two of them mention that this is the first time they’ve been on radio together. I did say on a previous HitoKana episode that this wasn’t the first time meeting on that episode just before Kannagi had started airing but Kannagi Radio had started about a month and a half before Tomatsu guested on Kana’s radio.
– BFF from the start!
Tomatsu: We’ve always seen each other in magazines and stuff and always wanted to meet right?
Kana: Yeah. And… About October of last year? We finally met.
Tomatsu: Yeah around October or November.
Kana: And it didn’t feel like this was our first time meeting!
Tomatsu: Yeah! We were all like “It feels like I’ve known you for a while already!” *laughs*
Kana: *laughs* It was kinda weird wasn’t it
Tomatsu: A bit *laughs* I was like “I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET YOU”
Kana: Yeah you did say that didn’t you haha
Tomatsu: It was like we were best friends from the moment we met! *laughs*
Kana: It was pretty great *laughs*
– Tomatsu says that when she sneezes, she’s the type of person to sneeze multiple times instead of just once. She also laughs that her voice goes 3 octaves higher when she sneezes so she’s found that people around her find it amusing when she sneezes haha.
– Kana laughs that her kitchen is pretty messy. She also says that her fridge smells pretty bad and recalls a time when she left an avocado for too long and it stunk really bad and when she finally took it out to throw it away…. There was white fluff growing on it OTL
Tomatsu is a fun personality to listen to and you can tell she’s an amusingly exuberant person with the way she expresses her enjoyment. During the course of the radio you can hear her clapping in laughter or hitting the table with her own gestures. It’s a wonderful thing to see :D. Judging by the reactions and her voice changes you can imagine her doing funny face expressions in reaction to certain happenings too haha.
July 11th, 2011 § § permalink
Name: 花澤香菜のひとりでできるかな?
Host: Hanazawa Kana
Guest: Tomatsu Haruka
Date: 2008.08.20
An old HitoKana episode guesting Tomatsu Haruka. This episode was recorded about 3 years ago and was just before the airing of Kannagi. I’ve been missing the Kana x Tomatsu love talk recently :(
Also, Kana announces that the Sekirei event is nearing… And groans that she’s not looking forward to dancing the OP while performing it ahaha.
– This isn’t the first time these two have worked on radio together, though that happened rather recently on Kannagi radio in early July.
– Michael Phelps and the Olympics.
Kana: The Olympics have been going on and I’m watching it pretty intently. And Phelps! Michael Phelps! He’s amazing! Does everyone know him? Like when he’s swimming he’s just floating through the air! “Then he’s not swimming?” *laughs* Yeah he’s not swimming!
– They comment that they’ve been seeing each other in recordings a lot recently counting ToLoveRu, Kyoran Kazoku Nikki, Asu no Yoichi and Kannagi all at around this time.
Kana: This is great! It means our voices and characters don’t overlap!
Tomatsu: Yeah! Like what they want from each of our voices are different?
Kana: Something like that?
Tomatsu: We’re always paired up together aren’t we? Like as sisters and stuff.
Kana: Yeah. Wait… I’m always the younger sister?
Tomatsu: *laughs* Yeah I’m always the elder.
Even though Kana’s about a year older than Tomatsu hah.
– First impression of each other.
Tomatsu: We never really had something like that didn’t we.
Kana: Yeah I think so.
Tomatsu: From the very beginning I was like “Ah! I’ve always wanted to meet you!”
Kana: Yeah I knew about you because you were close to me in age.
Tomatsu: When I found out the date that I was gonna meet up with you I remember thinking “I need to get her phone number!”
– Kana x Tomatsu!
Kana: I want to go to some kind of Summerland with you or something… And look at you in a swimsuit. Tomatsu in a swimsuit.
Tomatsu: *laughs* Oh? A swimsuit?
Kana: And take you around with me to show people.
Tomatsu: Is that in like a “AHH MY EYES MY EYESSSSSSSS!” kinda way? *laughs*
Kana: *laughs* No not like that!
Tomatsu: I don’t have THAT nice a body you know?
Kana: *creepy voice* Oh yes you do~
Tomatsu: *whoo~!* (Kana joins in lol and they break down laughing)
Kana: What are we doing?! *laughs*
– Tomatsu promotes her debut single “Naissance” on the show :O
Kana: From the moment I heard your whispery voice at the start I knew this song would be godly!”
Kana: I saw your music clip!
Tomatsu: *laughs* Really? Wow you are such a Tomatsu otaku!
Kana: …Yeah I’m a Tomatsu otaku.
– Tomatsu comments that Kana always tilts her face to the right when she’s at the microphone and wonders if it’s a habit of hers. Kana then says that speaking of habits, Tomatsu’s got a big one where she puts her left foot forward and shakes her right hand. Tomatsu laughs and says that as she gets more excited her hands goes faster and faster.
– They start talking about how to start a blog post that makes them seem like a mature and refined woman and Kana says to write “Dear… Takashi-sama” lol, saying a male name at random and convinced that it makes them seem really refined if they address the post to man. Tomatsu laughs that “Akira” would be a much cooler name to use in that case. They laugh at the idea for a bit and they decide to have Tomatsu use it next time she puts up a blog post, and checking her blog…. She really does do it ahaha.
“Dear Takashi-Sama
Good day.
This is a refined and mature Tomatsu.
Today I’ll be writing a refined and mature blog.”
Ahahaha <3
Kana and Tomatsu really are close with one another :D I really love Tomatsu’s sunny, bright and cheery personality~ <3 …Though I’ve never written much about her now that I look back :O
Amusingly I always write more dialogue when I’m doing Hanazawa posts :O
June 4th, 2011 § § permalink
More random radio scribbles, not so Hanazawa Kana filled this time though!
Hanazawa Kana no Hitori de Dekiru Kana? #89 on 2011.05.25.
– Hanazawa Kana woke up at 4 am for the shooting of the Roukyuubu PV lol
– Kana had shared a room with Hikasa on the location filming of the PV and they talked with each other all night long :D
Sugita Tomokazu no Anigera! Dedoooon #56 guesting Nakamura Yuuichi on 2011.05.19.
– Situation of what excuse would you say if you broke your friend’s limited edition Ranka figure while trying to pose it in in impossible positions.
Sugita: “What would you say in that situation ‘Alto‘?”
Nakamura: “Huh… She broke so easily…”
Sugita: “Whaat Nooooo! I’m sorry for calling you Alto!”
Nakamura: “And then I’ll add “I guess I’ll go with Sheryl then””
Sugita: “You’re terrible!”
Lol Sugita and Nakamura as great as ever :D
Hayami Saori’s Freestyle #2 on 2011.04.12. Hayami Saori’s weekly solo radio.
– Which seiyuu are you close to?
Hayami: “I’m probably the closest with Kotobuki Minako. We speak to each other a lot and I often go out to eat with her”
Hayami: “One day I was out with my university friends in a pasta shop… And I thought I saw someone familiar entering the shop. She was wearing a flu mask but I realised it was Minako, and right next to her was Tomatsu Haruka! Apparently they were out together outside of work as well. I was like “Aah!” and she also went “Aah!” when we recognised each other. I guess things like that really do happen~”
– Younger seiyuu you’re close with
Hayami: “I haven’t met many seiyuu younger than me… There really aren’t that many, but I’ve gone out to eat with Hidaka Rina a couple of times. I’m not a scary senpai to her~”
December 9th, 2010 § § permalink
Host: Toyosaki Aki
Guest: (Tomatsu Haruka on phone for a couple of minutes)
Date: 2010.11.05
Aki comments that she looked up trackbacks to her blogpost about last week’s birthday episode with Hikasa Youko and was happy that everyone loved it.
– Aki says she’s been obsessing over the drama “Koi no Chikara” recently (http://www.jdorama.com/drama_674.htm)
– Aki says she’d love to have Hikasa come on for a special event again, she also mentions that doing another video recording could happen for an event.
– When talking about Hikasa Aki says that although she’s funny and people say she’s like an entertainer/comedian, she’s actually a pretty shy person.
– After the show had ended last week, Aki messaged Hikasa thanking her for coming and Hikasa replied back worried that she might have done something bad to her show lol.
– Aki uses the word “GekiMoessu!” to describe Tomatsu Haruka and her Baby Baby Love PV. Gekimoessu means “intense” + moe, I’m just amused that Aki uses moe so naturally in her speech :D
– Aki loves time travelling stories, she says that she’s weak to anything with that theme.
– Aki calls Haruka on radio! \o/ The time would be about 11:00 PM and you can tell Haruka’s a bit tired/sleepy lol.
– Haruka calls Aki her wife <3
– Haruka and Aki comment that they haven’t seen many dramas till the end, reasoning that it’s due to the irregular seiyuu work hours.
– Apparently Haruka loves watching emotional and tragic shows.
What is this? It’s just a big list of “Aki says”…
…I’m just gonna pretend that it’s because I dislike solo radios, and not because I couldn’t think of any other way to note down the radio.
Yeah, something like that.
November 9th, 2010 § § permalink
I’m amused that Tomatsu Haruka’s new single ‘Baby Baby Love’ debuted at #9 on Oricon’s daily ranking again. This makes it the fourth single from the Music Ray’n girls to hit their highest daily ranking record of #9 but not surpass it. Incidentally the other three were Haruka’s ‘Motto Hade ni ne’, Aki’s ‘Love Your Life’ and most recently Minako’s ‘Shiny+’. Yes poor Ayahime isn’t included here :(
Perhaps we can look to Aki’s next single to finally break #9? がんば Aki~!
If it ends up touching but not passing #9 again I’m gonna laugh :D
Edit: Dill debuted at 11 lol. Well there’s still Minako’s and Ayahi’s tied-in single for this month :D
Edit 2: Aki’s new single Shun Pu debuted at #5 on 2011.04.13 lol. The streak is broken, go Aki!
August 16th, 2010 § § permalink
Hosts: Morinaga Rika, Tomatsu Haruka
Guest: Nomico (+ Patora?)
Date: 2007.08.17
Moetan Radio hosted by Morinaga Rika(Ruriko) and Tomatsu Haruka(Sumi). It’s a funny little radio in which they do a lot of corners that have a big english theme. It’s fun to hear the two seiyuu struggle with english <3
– Nomico is so cute on radio <3 Though I can’t say I like her song on Moetan, I thoroughly enjoy her doujin work (BAD APPLE!! <3)
– Nomico promotes her debut single under Lantis, “Skip”, which was the ending theme for Moetan.
– Nomico says she watches Moetan and her favourite character was Ink, but then switched to Tomacchan’s character, Sumi.
– Nomico leaves halfway through the show :( I was hoping she’d participate in the lovely Engrish corners but no such luck lol
– The corner that comes up is the one where they speak engl/rish :D
First english line is: “If I had a girl, I would name her Ink.”
– When asked if she’d prefer having a boy or a girl Tomacchan says she wants a boy and a girl, an elder brother and a little sister.
– Tomacchan: “If I had a boy I’d name him… Hie! ”
– Rika says that if she had a child she’d name him “Pochi”
Tomacchan: That’s a dog’s name! He’ll definitely get teased in school!
She then changed to Soichiro, named after a dog lol.
Rika: “If he asks why he was given that name I’d tell him that it was because I wanted him to grow strong… But it would really be that he was named after a dog haha! I’d never tell him that, I’d carry that secret to my grave!”
– Tomacchan struggles with the engrish lol. She was still a high schooler back then after all.
– Next line is “After this battle is over, I’m getting married”
For those who don’t recognise it, it’s a well known “Death Flag” line for a character to say. Tomacchan doesn’t realise this and she exclaims “Wow that’s so cool!” To which Rika replies: “Well it’s not so much a positive thing than a negative thing…” to Tomatsu’s surprise.
– They then start talking about death flags in media, Tomacchan seems really entertained by the subject, she laughs so hysterically when Rika also mentions other death flags such as “When a character doesn’t stand out starts to take a larger role in the story”, “When a character doesn’t talk much starts talking a lot, it’s about time for him to kick it”, “When an ero couple appears in a horror film, they’ll probably die”, etc.
– Next up is Easy Conversation. What’s interesting about this corner is that they bring a foreigner who doesn’t speak japanese and they have to communicate and explain otaku concepts to her in english only lol. It’s pretty hilarious.
– The theme of this episode is “BL” lol.
– Tomacchan is surprised to hear that there’s BL content in comiket hah.
– Rika says “There’s no such girl who hates BL” to which Haruka screams out “LIES!! Really?!! Really??” yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh your so wrooong Rikaaa.
Rika then says to Tomacchan “You don’t hate it right?” and she replies “Umm… Yeahhhh….” lolol
– They ask Patora if she knows what BL is. They describe it to her as
[Rika: “Well theres a boy, let’s say his name is A-kun, and a girl her name is Ink-chan. That’s a normal couple.”
Patora: “Okay.”
Rika: “Then there’s a boy, his name is A-kun, and a boy, his name is Ka-kun”
Patora: “….Homosexuals?”]
Rika then goes on to say that the term only applies to 2D. Patora then asks Rika “Do you like BL” and she replies “Yes I like BL” haha
– Rika then tries to explain what a fujoshi is, translating it into english as “Fu-girl”, she then gives up and passes the baton to poor Tomacchan to explain it to the confused Patora ahah.
– Tomacchan starts mixing gaijin accented japanese words into her english to try and get across what she’s trying to say ahaha. That’s not helping Tomacchan~
I’m laughing so much while listening to this. They give up soon after and so ends the corner.
I’ve forgotten how fun Moetan Radio was lol. It’s a shame that Nomico left without participating in the engrish corners but Tomacchan and Rika struggling was still as amusing as ever to listen to.
August 4th, 2010 § § permalink
Decided to do a rough sketch of Sphere’s A.T.M.O.S.P.H.E.R.E cover for fun.
Hmm they look pretty different OTL
I’ll decide later on whether to finish and colour it.
Also in my opinion, as much as I love Aki the most, Haruka is the best looking person in Sphere :3