September 20th, 2011 § 1 comment

Hosts: Ono Daisuke, Kamiya Hiroshi

Guest: Hirohashi Ryou
Date: 2011.08.24

Err I’ll just modify and reuse what I wrote about the new WORKING radio last time: ONOKING!! & SOKING!! AKA. Working’!! Radio Season Two #3 with (Ono)Satou and Souma. A new radio episode of YAMAKING for the second season of WORKING. It says Hirohashi’s a guest… But the episodes that has been released has just got members of the cast + Hirohashi as a guest so it’s pretty much just Yamaking under a new name lol. Also most people probably know this already but Ono and Kamiya is a popular combination that has worked with one another pretty often on radio with their very popular radio “Dear Girls Stories” that continues to air today at its… Err 230th episode? I don’t know the exact number but it’s been going for a while now.

– As a nickname, Hiroshi’s known as “C” and Ono’s known in that regard as “D” so they decide to name the combination of the three of them as “CD-R” lol.

– Amusingly they used Ono Daisuke’s name for the title instead of his character’s name ahaha. This was from when Fukuyama Jun guested on the previous episode where he laughed that if they bring on Ono they’d have to use his name lol.

– They say that Hirohashi couldn’t make it but left them a prerecorded message. After listening to it they say that she’s a pretty random person… And that she’s just sitting in front of them eating cake lol. Liesss she’s right there ahah.

– Apparently Nakamura Yuuichi was a surprise guest at the second WORKING!! event they held and he came up from the audience seating lol. The event seemed like it lasted three hours :O They commented that it was really long. It was originally planned to last two and a half hours but they accidentally went over :O. They were told that they were running out of recording tape/space and they needed to finish up the event near the end.

– Kamiya laughs that even though the screens on stage were communicating to them to finish up the event, the rest of the cast seemed to ignore it and kept talking leisurely haha.

– Kamiya says that Ono has a bad habit of being able to speak more when he finds out they need to finish up soon and Ono agrees heh.

– The cast had gone out to dinner together after the event ended.

– Apparently Ono had worked at a publishing firm before :O

– The next episode is planned to have Hirohashi on her own but Ono offers to come after she laments on how lonely it’ll be. I wonder if they’ll actually have him come on again? :O

They spoke a lot about the event. I realllly want to see it now. When is that DVD getting released anyways? :D

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§ One Response to ONOKING!! & SOKING!!

  • aya says:

    At opening, Kamiya requires Ono to stop his weird movement because this is not camera recorded radio show. Hahahaha…
    They lie about whereabout Hirohashi. Hahaha. Kamiya said she only funya funya drinks tea and eats chiffon cake. And also said that she feels nothing like a guest, Kamiya surprised with her attitude although they have known along time.
    When Kamiya asked about the impression of event, OnoD and Hirohashi only answer about their impression about dinner menu. They repeatedly said the menu is delicious :D They hardly think about the amused things in the event…

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