See Through Bras with KitaEri, Asumi Kana and Matsuki Miyu

July 19th, 2012 § 9 comments § permalink

This was something from Matsuki Miyu and Asumi Kana’s radio “寝起きにポテトチップス/Ne Oki Potato Chips[I think? I’m getting more and more unsure now that I think about it, I might be totally off m(_ _)m] [Edit: Whoops, I was totally off, after a bit of digging around it looks like this was from the Nyaruko Radio that was coupled with the drama CDs back when the original net animation was airing back in early 2010. This was probably in episode #5 of the radio but… It could be #6 as well since KitaEri guested for two episodes. The hosts remained the same though, Matsuki Miyu + Asumi Kana, with the episode being released in mid April 2010.] Seems like it was an episode where they had Kitamura Eri guest to talk about Haiyore! Nyaruko. At first the three of them are discussing the latest and hottest fashion trends but then that leads into…

KitaEri: White stockings aren’t popular right now. What’s hot right now are “See through bras”!
Matsuki: “See through bras“?
KitaEri: Yup!
*Asumi laughs*
Asumi: Matsuki-san, you can’t trust what people say so easily.

KitaEri: Seriously, what really REALLY is going around right now is the See through bra!
*KitaEri laughs*
Asumi: Oi!
KitaEri: It’s because your staff told me I could say whatever I wanted on the radio! Apparently this radio has no boundaries!
Asumi: Let see how far we can go.
Matsuki: *mumbles*…….See through bras…
*Asumi and KitaEri laugh*
Asumi: Matsuki-san!!
Matsuki: Asumin why don’t you put one on!
Asumi: Oi you.
KitaEri: Yeah! With Asumi-san’s huge HUGE—
*Matsuki laughs, Asumi cuts in*
Asumi: Matsuki-san and KitaEri-san, both of you leave the booth now! I’ll do this radio on my own!
*The other two laugh*
KitaEri: Well I want to stay for a bit longer so I’ll settle down.
Asumi: That’s the way!
Matsuki: Finally it’s time for Mahiro-san![KitaEri’s character from Nyaruko]
KitaEri: Yeah I’ll just say this first, Mahiro-san’s actually a pretty serious and mature character.

Matsuki: So continuing on!
KitaEri: Yeah Mahiro-san really likes see through bras as a matter of fact.
*Matsuki laughs*
Asumi: KITAERI!!!!!!!
KitaEri: *laughs* Huh?
Asumi: YOU! YOUU! You’re not getting any pay today!
*All three laugh*
KitaEri: Whaat?! That hurts!
Asumi: Your pay will go to both of us this episode.
Matsuki: But you know what?
Asumi: Yeah?
Matsuki: What would you hate about see through bras?
Asumi: Are you still continuing with that?!
*The other two laugh*
Asumi: They’re horrible! Why would you wear them! You might as well not wear a bra at all!
Matsuki + KitaEri: OHH How daring!
*Matsuki laughs*
KitaEri: Asumi-san’s so bold!! Oh wow no way!
Asumi: You two are terrible!! You two put together are terrible! Matsuki-san looks like she’s having so much fun! She’s laughing without making any noise! You’re supposed to laugh out loud when you’re on radio!
*Matsuki splutters*
KitaEri: She’s spluttering! Breathe! Breathe!
Asumi: Breathe in!
Matsuki[Still laughing hard]: What made me laugh so hard was imagining Asumi-san *laughs* In a see through bra!
*KitaEri laughs*
Asumi: You were imagining me in one?!
Matsuki: Once I started with that I couldn’t stop laughing!
KitaEri: There was no going back!
Asumi: Seriously what’s with this?! Let’s get back to Mahiro-san!

Lol poor Asumin’s always so flustered when she’s teased about her chest size <3. And go KitaEri, I’ve heard her reference Asumin’s “huge HUGE *something*” many times already ahaha orz.

YuiKaori & April Fools

July 14th, 2012 § 5 comments § permalink

This was from when Ogura Yui guested on the Denpa Kenkyuusha livestream hosted by May’n and Washizaki Takeshi on the 29th of June. They were asking her a heap of quick questions and this was one of them…

– Tell us about a time you lied about something petty.

Ogura: Well, this has something to do with YuiKaori. On April Fools day we told the staff that the two of us had started dating each other. *laughs* 
*May’n and Washizaki laughs* 
Washizaki: What’s with that!?
May’n: That’s pretty funny though!

Washizaki: So what was the staff’s reaction like?
Ogura: They seriously believed us!
May’n + Washizaki: Whaat?!
Washizaki: Are they all idiots?!
Ogura: Not at all! But they had a serious discussion with us about it! Our manager was deciding how to handle the situation and stuff like that! We have a radio show and we do things like holding hands while looking into each others eyes after all.
*They all laugh*
Washizaki: Well it’s not rare to see you two holding hands together though.
May’n: Yeah you two are so close with one another!
Ogura: Yup!
Washizaki: You would believe something like that.
Ogura: Yeah and we’ve always been suspected of dating each other for some time now too!
Washizaki: …You have?
Ogura: Yup!

Haha these two seem like they’re having fun.

…They’ve been suspected of dating one another?

MoshiDoRadio #11

June 4th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Name: 程高放送部~もしドラジオ~
Hosts: Hanazawa Kana, Hikasa Youko
Date: 2011.07.18

MoshiDoRadio’s eleventh episode, I really like the combination of these two~

– Swimsuits!

Hikasa: All the students are probably going on summer vacations since it’s the summer holidays right now…
Kana: Yeah… *sigh*

Hikasa: We don’t have the chance to go to the beach that often… Do you?
Kana: I don’t. Not at all. I don’t wear swimsuits often.
Hikasa: Same here.
Kana: But they’re selling them right now aren’t they. Really cute ones….
Hikasa: But we don’t get the chance to buy them…
Kana: Yeah…
Hikasa: I haven’t worn one in so long! How about racing swimsuits?
Kana: Racing swimsuits?? *laughs* Actually, that would probably look good on you!
Hikasa: …I’m not happy about that at all!
Kana: Eh?? Really?? But they’re so sleek! You’d look like you’d be a great swimmer if you wore one!
Hikasa: What’s with that! Are you saying that my body is sleek?? Saying that it looks great with my curveless body?!
Kana: You’re taking it wrongly! I never said anything like that!!
Hikasa: …Yeah. Well racing swimsuits huh… School swimsuits?
Kana: …How did you get to school swimsuits?
*Hikasa laughs*
Kana: We weren’t talking about school swimsuits at all!
Hikasa: But either way, I’d like a bikini!
Kana: Ahh bikinis are great aren’t they~
Hikasa: Don’t you think it’s easy to mistakenly say “nikibi/にきび/pimple” instead of bikini sometimes? *laughs*
Kana: Huh…?
Hikasa: You’d be like “Let’s go shopping for pimples!” *laughs*
Kana: *laughs* Hikasa-san… Are you alright? *laughs*
*Hikasa laughs*
Kana: Really… Are you okay?
Hikasa: *laughs* Hey! Don’t seriously worry about me over that! That just makes it embarrassing!
Kana: *laughs* Right.

Hikasa’s complex about her flat chest makes me laugh every time ahaha.

– Oh they celebrated Hikasa’s 26th birthday on the radio, they bring in a cake for her \o/ Amusingly Hikasa cautiously asks if the cake was given unconditionally ahaha, poor Hikasa’s always forced to do weird things on radio for her birthday, off the top of my head there were some terrible(?) happenings on Momonoki’s radio, Digistar and Seitokai Yakuindomo’s radio haha.

– Present!

Kana: And for the adult Hiy0cchi, here’s a present.
Hikasa: Huh? Really?? Seriously?! What’s wrong with you!
Kana: Happy birthday!
Hikasa: Thanks! Seriously??
Kana: Open it~
Hikasa: You know today, I brought the present you gave me last year! The parasol!
Kana: Oh! Wow you really did!
Hikasa: The one you gave me last year~
Kana: You’ve been using it??
Hikasa: Of course!
Kana: That makes me happy!
Hikasa: I wonder what this year’s present will be~
Kana: I wonder~ Actually you can see a bit of it already *laughs*
Hikasa: What is it~ What is it~ Oh you can see it!
*Rustling sounds as she opens the present*
Hikasa: Ahh thank you! I’ve been doing a bit of cooking lately too! It’s a silicon steamer and [something else silicon that I didn’t catch m(_ _)m]!
Kana: I didn’t actually know what you’d want and Satou Satomi-chan was with me one time so I asked her since she’s close with you. She mentioned that you’ve been into cooking lately so it lead to that.
Hikasa: Ahh I see. But really, this present’s for me?! Really??
Kana: Yup.
Hikasa: Thanks so much!
Kana: No problem. Please cook.
Hikasa: Right!
Kana: Using the stove.

Hikasa: Come over to eat sometime!
Kana: Eh?? Really?
Hikasa: Come visit!
Kana: I will!
Hikasa: Come!
Kana: But wait… Eh… Hiyocchi’s floor is soaking wet after all…
*They both burst out laughing*
Hikasa: It won’t be!
Kana: I’ll just have to bring some special socks then!
Hikasa: And I’ll have you sleep on the soaked floor!
*The two laugh*
Kana: That’s terrible! What’s with that!!
Hikasa: You’ll be sleep talking like “Ahh it’s wet… I’m drowning….”
Kana: That sounds horrible!
Hikasa: But really, thanks for the present!
Kana: Happy birthday!

I wonder if she asked Satou Satomi about the present when she guested on OreImo’s radio? But Kana’s really great with her friends’ birthdays isn’t she~ I’m amused she gave Hikasa a parasol for her birthday last year though lol, parasol in Japanese = “higasa/ひがさ/日傘”.

– Hikasa mentions that she cries during recordings often. Ahh Hikasa does cry easily doesn’t she~

– Kana says she doesn’t like watermelon, which shocks Hikasa. On the other hand, her favourite fruit is…

Hikasa: What’s your favourite fruit then?
Kana: Pineapple!
*Hikasa laughs* 
Kana: *laughs* What??
Hikasa: Well that’s came from an unexpected direction.
*The two laugh*
Hikasa: Not strawberries or something girly like that, but a pineapple…
*Kana’s still laughing* 
Hikasa: When someone says pineapple, well she’s not in MoshiDora but you’d expect someone like Takahashi Chiaki to say “My favourite is Pineapple! I luvv pineapple!” or someone like me saying “PINEAPPLE!!”.
Kana: Yeah I know what you mean.
Hikasa: But Hanazawa Kana and pineapples?!? That’s just off! Make it something like cherries instead!
Kana: No! That’s weird!
Hikasa: You should be like “I like strawberries~!” or “I like cherries~!” from now on!
Kana: No. Pineapple.
*The two laugh*
Hikasa: That’s hilarious!
Kana: I see, I guess people don’t list pineapple as their favourite often.
Hikasa: Yup. It’s not eaten that often after all.
Kana: Really? I eat it pretty regularly though?
Hikasa: Seriously? Wait, you mean like with pre-packaged fruit?
Kana: Nope.
Hikasa: Ehhh?! That spiky thing?!
Kana: *laughs* Nah, the ones that’s been cut up already.
Hikasa: Ah I was imagining you getting one of those spiky things and just *slam* cutting it down!


– First meeting.

Hikasa: Time passes really fast doesn’t it~
Kana: When we first met, how old were you again?
Hikasa: Hmm?  Twenty… Two?
Kana: Ah right.
Hikasa: You were in your teens at the time!
Kana: Yeah I was.
Hikasa: You… Might have been attending university at the time too. First year maybe?
Kana: Yeah I was a first year.
Hikasa: That’s scary how fast it’s been!
Kana: And I was thinking  “Ah what a wonderfully considerate woman” at the time *laughs*
Hikasa: *laughs* I was super nervous at the time! SUPER nervous!
Kana: *laughs* I see.
Hikasa: But as time goes by you really do get to meet all sorts of people!
Kana: Yeah really, it’s fun isn’t it.
Hikasa: Seriously, this industry is filled with all sorts of fun people!
Kana: Yeah.
Hikasa: There’s all of these happy go lucky people! *laughs*
Kana: Yep *laughs* There’s lots of high spirited people aren’t there.
Hikasa: Yeah! High spirited!!

If I recall correctly, these two first met in Sketchbook ~full color’S~ almost 5 years ago, though I don’t think they actually started talking to each other properly till a few years later.
I… wrote something about this somewhere before didn’t I lol.

Hanazawa Kana no Hitori de Dekiru Kana? #115

May 31st, 2012 § 9 comments § permalink

Name: 花澤香菜のひとりでできるかな?
Host: Hanazawa Kana
Date: 2012.05.23

I like writing about HitoKana <3

– Hair styles….

Kana: I can’t decide on a hair style… I’ve had a bob cut since forever but… I haven’t been to a salon in a while and it’s grown so long that it’s become like a shaggy dog… I can’t decide… Maybe I should go all out and get a super short cut?? What does everyone think?

Well I’ve had a bob cut since forever but now it’s like a… pudding. *laughs* What should I do? What would be a good hair style? I think I asked something like this before. I’ve had my hair at this length for quite some time now, but the stylists recently have been telling me that my hair’s hard to style and that it’s at a rather half-hearted place right now. I then joked with wondering if I could cut it super short and they all shook their heads at me. *laughs* Well I’ve got this round face! It would make it stand out! *laughs* Well it’s a new style though. I was wondering what hair styles I could try that would still hide that part of my face… Please send suggestions to the radio!

A super short cut!? Well she’s joking about that though ;)

– Iguchi’s ‘Pubic exercise routine’….

Kana[Reading mail from a listener]: “Recently Iguchi Yuka-san had spoke on a certain radio about a ‘pubic exercise routine'” Huh? ‘Pubic exercise routine’? It’s written with the shame/恥 kanji and the bone/骨 kanji? [Kana doesn’t recognise the meaning of it lol] *Continues reading* “The ‘Pubic exercise routine’ might sound suspicious but if you work on this you’ll be able to have a great body as well! Why don’t you try this out with Iguchi?”

Iguchi really has been slimming down hasn’t she?! Right?! You can tell just by looking at her! She’s has! I’ll have her teach me this routine then! …I have no idea where this ‘Pubic’ thing is though *laughs* What is it? *talks to the staff for a bit* Huh? Which bone is that? HUH?! It’s the crotch?! That part?? …I see… Err… Well it looks like it’s not something you do in front of people I guess… Wait, why did Yuka-chan do this on radio?! *laughs* Stop it!! Someone from our agency go stop her! *laughs* I guess I’ll ask her about it next time I see her…

Iguchi showing this ‘Pubic exercise routine’ was on her Muun radio by the way and it was hilarious when it happened lol, Muun is a video radio as well so the scene was… Well, amazing ahaha orz. I’m amused how Kana had no idea what chikotsu/恥骨/pubic meant though and she was all for asking Iguchi about it until she was told it’s meaning ahaha. Here is what it looked like during Iguchi’s radio lol.

– Campione TV Series Recording…

Kana: About Campione, the recordings have already started but… Kitamura Eri-chan and Hikasa Youko are… Well… They’re noisy *laughs* I shouldn’t have said that *laughs* They’re lively! Yup, very lively *laughs* And then there’s me within it. It’s fun, especially during the break times~ Well we’re the same age so that’s how it should be~ And we’re always talking about dieting! Hiyocchi says she’s gained weight! Then me and KitaEri yelled that she’s being silly *laughs* “You’re no where close to saying something like that! How much do you think we’re trying to reduce our weight by dieting!?” We yelled at her like that *laughs* But really, Eri-chan has slimmed down so much! Everyone has! So I’ve been thinking that it should be alright to have a couple that’s gained some weight… *laughs* Well that’s how we are, girls are always thinking about dieting. *laughs*

It’s nice to hear these three livening it up at the Campione recordings, I’d love to hear the three of them together~

– Continuation from the Ogura Yui incident

Kana: You know how I told Yui-chan to not wear stockings, now whenever she’s with me she doesn’t have any stockings on *laughs* One time she came up to me and said “Ah, today I’ve got my legs bared~” And I was just like “Ah really? *caresses her*” *laughs* And then the people around me got mad at me! *laughs* They were like “Oi what are you doing to her?!” *laughs* “Stop the sexual harassment!” But it’s because I’m a girl that it’s alright! Their manager doesn’t seem to mind too! It’s okay! You all don’t need to worry about me! *laughs*

I’ve been wondering how that situation had been going with Ogura Yui recently, looks like the two of them are still going at it ahaha. I’m so amused by how Kana starts caressing Yui’s legs in that situation without a second thought though ahaha.

The blog has been pretty barren lately but… The main reason to that is that I’ve pretty much become accustomed to listening to radio while doing something else nowadays, rather than setting time to write something about an episode. We’ll see how it goes but either way updates are probably gonna become pretty sparse.
m(_ _)m

Itou Kanae no ChoRaji! Girls #19

April 26th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Name: 伊藤かな恵の超ラジ! Girls
Host: Itou Kanae
Guest: Asumi Kana
Date: 2008.08.12

An old radio episode where Asumi Kana guested on Itou Kanae’s radio. These two are pretty close from Shugo Chara, which had been going on for over one year already at this time. By the way, the picture they’re holding between the two of them is a picture of Asumi drawn by Kanae haha.

– First impression of Kanae…

Asumi: From about one year ago… Hmm I wonder… It was the first time we met [in Shugo Chara]… So… Small!
*Kanae laughs*
Kanae: That was your first impression??
Asumi: Of course it had to be that! You’re so small!
Kanae: Ah… Sorry…
Asumi: So very small!
Kanae: Ah… Sorry… For being small…
Asumi: What was your height again?
Kanae: Eh?! You want me to say it here??!
Asumi: Ah, should I not have asked?
Kanae: It’s 147 cm… So what?!
Asumi: Yep, small!
*The two laugh*
Asumi: Definitely small!
Kanae: I… Guess so…
Asumi: I’m supposed to be the average height for a girl.
Kanae: How tall are you?
Asumi: 160 or 161, somewhere around that.
Kanae: Huh? Isn’t that kinda tall?
Asumi: Not at all! 160 is normal!

– Katou Nanae’s[Miki’s seiyuu from Shugo Chara] first impression of Kanae…

Asumi: You know how there was supposed to be an idol girl singing for the opening theme of Shugo Chara? She had thought that you were that idol girl when she saw you.
Kanae: Really??
Asumi: Yep.
Kanae: Ahh… I’m not an idol…
*Asumi laughs*
Kanae: Not an idol at all… I came from the countryside…
*The two laugh*

– Iguchi…

Kanae: I heard you can’t read Kanji very well…
Asumi: Where?! From who?!
Kanae: Iguchi Yuka-chan?
Asumi: OI OI!
*Kanae laughs*
Asumi: It’s all lies!
Kanae: She was lying?!?
Asumi: Treat whatever that girl says as false!
Kanae: Really?!
Asumi: What’s with that! Iguchi’s definitely DEFINITELY more Kanji illiterate than I am!!
*Kanae laughs*
Asumi: She doesn’t even know Japanese in the first place!
Kanae: Not even that?! Really???
Asumi: Yep, yep!

Oi oi Iguchi doesn’t even know Japanese? As expected Iguchi and Asumi are so close ahaha.

– Iguchi’s radio…

Asumi: I was actually called to guest on Iguchi’s radio as well.
Kanae: Ah really?
Asumi: She was always saying she wanted me to come but… The official guest invite came from here first.
Kanae: Ah… I should probably apologise to Iguchi for that…
Asumi: Nah, it’s okay! She probably just forgot about it while we were having fun together.
*The two of them laugh*
Kanae: Ah so you two were talking about having you come on as a guest.
Asumi: Yeah, and she probably forgot to tell the staff about it. *laughs*

 – It was Asumi’s birthday and the radio program prepared a gift for Kanae to give to her, which was a bathing set. On top of that Kanae prepared her own present for Asumi, which made Asumi really happy about. Ah Kanae how nice~ The present was a cushion with a cat on it.

– Saying good points about each other…

Asumi: You can go first.
Kanae: Well I’m always being helped out by Asumi-san!
Asumi: That’s not a good point.
Kanae: *laughs* Ah well.. Your eyes are big!
Asumi: That’s a good point?
Kanae: *laughs* I think it’s cute! It’s one of your charms!
Asumi: It’s not cute!!
Kanae: Huh? Why are you getting mad??
*The two laugh*
Asumi: It’s because I’m not used to being complimented…
Kanae: Ah I see… So you’re the type to snap back when being praised…

Asumi: Kanae-san’s good points… Let’s see… You’re small!
Kanae: …Eh? Wouldn’t this be harder to push as a good point…?

Asumi: It’s a wonderful thing to be small!
Kanae: …Er really…?
Asumi: Yep!
Kanae: …Okay….
Asumi: Can I end it here?
Kanae: …Okay then…
Asumi: *laughs* Don’t worry there are a plenty of good points about you!

Small is cute! Cute is JUSTICE!

I actually went to listen to this episode of ChoRaji Girls after reading about it here: It’s got a little snippet from the episode in there as well which I found hilarious and would love to write about but I left it out so you can see it at the blog itself ;). Anyone interested in radio show transcriptions should follow that blog as well!

Ore no Imouto ga (Rajio Demo) Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai #22

April 24th, 2012 § 14 comments § permalink

Name: 俺の妹が(ラジオでも)こんなに可愛いわけがない
Hosts: Taketatsu Ayana, Hanazawa Kana
Date: 2011.06.24

Taketatsu Ayana Birthday special! Finally worked my way up to it lol orz. Sleepovers, alcohol and lots of love! Beware, the post is looong.

» Read the rest of this entry «

BlazBlue Radio W #09

April 5th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

Name: ブレイブルー公式WEBラジオ 「ぶるらじW」
Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Kondou Kanako, Imai Asami
Date: 2012.02.23

Episode 9 of BlazBlue W.

– Sugita mentions that he and Toshimichi Mori likes the Cirno Perfect Math Class song ahah. For those who don’t know it you can see it here:

– Kanako says “nyu” accidentally…

Sugita: Did you just say “nyu“??
Kanako: I didn’t! I did not!
Sugita: You did!
Kanako: Did not!
Toshimichi: You should just say “Nyu” back when he asks that!
Kanako: Huh??
Sugita: Did you just say it??
Kanako: Nope I didn’t~! …Nyu~!
*Awkward pause*
Imai: Ah he looks happy! This is the first time in a while that I’ve seen him so happy!
Sugita: I– I’m not that happ– Well if I said I wasn’t happy then that’d be bad wouldn’t it!
Imai: I guess so…
Imai + Kanako: Lets go to the next mail!
Sugita: Yeah while we’re in this awkward atmosphere.

– Sugita keeps doing an imitation of Isomura Tomomi lol, I’ve heard him using it in his own radio quite often as well, it seems like he likes that imitation right now haha.

Sometimes it’s hard to find things to write about in an episode lawl, not sure if that’s because I wasn’t listening though :S It was another fun episode of BluRaji though~ It looks like Morikubo Shoutaro is coming as a guest for the next episode.

Okamoto Nobuhiko’s Nicknames – “Pikorin” and Subsequently “Shikorin”

April 3rd, 2012 § 9 comments § permalink

Okamoto’s nicknames were something that puzzled me for a while when I first heard them and I had always wondered how it actually started and it wasn’t until sometime last year that I found out where they came from…. And I found their origins hilarious hah. Just a quick warning, a lot of the humor in the post is dirty humor lol. I don’t usually write about dirty jokes but this was too funny to pass up lol orz. For those that know enough Japanese to listen in, this video has most of what’s covered in this post.

The whole thing started when Okamoto guested on Inoue Kikuko’s radio “Inoue Kikuko Miwaku no Oshaberi Melon” sometime in between 2009-2010. Kikuko asks him what do people normally call him and he replies saying that he’s normally called by his name, “Okamoto-kun, Okamoto-san” etc. Kikuko, unhappy that he has no nickname tells him to start using a nickname and she tries to make one up for him there. After playing around with Noburin or Nobucchi, to Okamato’s chagrin, Okamoto mentions that he’s been called “Piko” once before, from the “hiko” part in his name “Nobuhiko”. Kikuko finds it cute but still not satisfied with it she changes it to “Pikorin” to his shock. He finds it amusing and embarrassing but Kikuko laughs saying that she’ll use it and try to spread it around, though she doesn’t know if it’ll stick. And that’s where the “Pikorin” name comes from; Inoue Kikuko was the one who stuck it on him. But then there’s the second part, the “Shikorin” part, which was started by Mafia Kajita and is where the dirty jokes come in lol. Okamoto and Mafia Kajita currently run a radio show together called “Radio 4Gamer” where they talk and play games on screen. On one of the episodes, episode 5 on the 6th of May 2010, Yasumoto Hiroki was present as a guest and they played a PS3/Wii game called “No More Heroes” where you play as a character who needs to charge their beam katana by shaking the controller/controller stick at certain times. The problem comes in when you see the animation in game, the character basically holds the katana hilt at his crotch with both hands and starts shaking it furiously in a rapid vertical up and down motion… orz. The other piece of the puzzle is the meaning of “Shiko/シコ”, the word is a colloquial slang best substituted with the english slang “fap” where it references the sound and the action. It was the first time Okamoto was playing the game while the other two were pretty experienced already so they put him in control while they watched and guided him as they plunged him right into a hectic boss battle. Throughout the experience Okamoto needed to charge the beam katana multiple times and with everytime the other two quipped a sexual innuendo lol. I’ll translate a bit here:

Yasumoto: Here’s where you do that legendary motion *laughs*

Yasumoto: Quick! The legendary motion!
Kajita: Hurry! It’s ShikoShiko time!
Yasumoto: Super ShikoShiko time!
Okamoto: Even though I’m in the middle of fighting?! *The three laugh*
Okamoto: Ah so if I charge this I can continue fighting?
Yasumoto: Yeah so if your beam disappears you have to do that legendary motion. Oh and while you’re doing that you’re completely defenseless so you have to time it right.
Okamoto: Ah well that’s natural of course for any man.

Yasumoto: Oh you’re out, it’s Super ShikoShiko Time! …
Okamoto: Oh I’m out that means…
Yasumoto: Right! Super ShikoShiko Time!
Kajita: You’re too slow! Try to go upwards faster!
Okamoto: Like this?! *Boss comes and slashes at Okamoto*
Yasumoto: Oi! You’re gonna die! *laughs* You’re Shiko-ing too much! *laughs even harder*
*The three of them laugh*
Yasumoto: You’ll die if you Shiko that much. Death by Shiko-ing! *laughs*

Replace “Shiko” with “fap” and you’ll probably understand how surreal and hilarious this conversation actually is orz. Fast forward another episode later and Kajita’s reading mail from a listener…

Kajita: “Shikorin, Kajita, good evening!” *Staff laughs*
Okamoto: Hmm? Hold on a minute there, just to make sure, I think I must’ve heard wrong but I thought I heard a “Shikorin” there… Was it really written there?
Kajita: Ah sorry I misread it.
Okamoto: OI!

And since that point it continued to spread, Sugita started using it on his Dedooon radio and caused it to spread like wildfire lol. By the way, although the nickname has spread to the ears of other seiyuu, amusingly Okamoto has refused to explain the reason behind the “Shiko” in the nickname… One recent happening that I found hilarious was on Guilty Crown Radio #10, 2012.02.24 hosted by Kayano Ai and he came on as a guest and the topic of nicknames came up…

Okamoto: I’ve got other nicknames as well, such as “Pikorin
Kayano: Ah! And what was that other one… “Shikorin“?
Okamoto: Err yeah… THAT! Umm.. Sorry I can’t explain the nickname. *Kayano laughs*
Kayano: Umm okay then… But I remember one time when we were at an event together the audience was all “SHIKORIN!!!” and I was wondering “Why is it ‘Shiko‘?”
Okamoto: Well he wasn’t involved in this anime but it was to do with a certain “S_gita”…
Kayano: *laughs* Ahh!
Okamoto: And there’s this bald “SP” with sunglasses with him. [Kajita sometimes goes by the name “SP Tanaka”]
Kayano: Ahh I know him!
Okamoto: And he was the one who stuck that name on me. I… Can’t tell you the reason why though.
Kayano: Ah okay… I won’t ask too much about it then…

Kayano: Then how about I call you “Shikorin“!
Okamoto: No! You can’t do that!! The agency won’t allow it!!
Kayano: *laughs* Ah really?
Okamoto: You can call me Pikorin though.
Kayano: Okay then I’ll call you Pikorin, you can call me “Kaaya”~

Ahh clueless Kayanon~

AKB48 Konya wa Kaeranai… #121

April 1st, 2012 § 9 comments § permalink

Name: AKB48 今夜は帰らない・・・
Hosts: Takahashi Minami, Kashiwagi Yuki, Kuramochi Asuka
Guest: Watanabe Mayu
Date: 2009.07.20

“AKB48 I won’t go home tonight…” is a long running radio that changes hosts every now and again. What I’m interested to hear about here in this episode is the guest, Watanabe Mayu, nicknamed Mayuyu.

And now there’s something I want to get out of the way first… You might have noticed that in the past few months, especially the months of January and February I haven’t been updating the blog as much as I used to. Why is that you ask? Well the reason is simple…

I can’t be bothered to write about Seiyuu radio. I’m announcing here that I am no longer writing about Japanese seiyuu and all that pointless stuff! I’m now all about…  You may have guessed it with the post, AKB48! Idol industry banzai! What’s with all these Seiyuu putting out photobooks recently?! I’m going for the real idol experience with my new idol fandom! Toyosaki Aki?! PFFT! NO! MAYUYU IS MAI WAIFU!! I won’t delete the posts I’ve done till now but you won’t see me talking about seiyuu radio anymore, only AKB48 from now on!

And so with that I’m announcing that I’m renouncing the seiyuu part of my blog name and am now changing the name of the blog to “Ambi’s Kickass Blog For [err…] Eight years and over” abbreviated to “AKB48+“!! I’ll look forward to your support from here on out! I’ll be changing the layout as well, I won’t be needing this seiyuu sketch there anymore!

– Takamina x Mayuyu??

Takamina: Mayuyu…
Mayuyu: Yes?
Takamina: If anything happens I’ll keep you company no matter what~
Mayuyu: …Huh?
Yuki: Don’t worry, when she’s like this you can just ignore her.
*Takamina laughs*
Mayuyu: Ah I see…
Yuki: She was definitely panicking there.
Takamina: She sure was!

Oi Takamina what are you doing hitting on Mayuyu! SHE IS MAI WAIFU I SAID
( ゚ Д゚)

– Mayuyu’s current anime recommendation and a quick quiz.

Takamina: Mayuyu! What’s your current anime recommendation??
Mayuyu: Umm Zetsubou-sensei!
Takamina: How are you feeling right now?
Mayuyu: Right now?? It’s SO FUUUN! AKB48!!
*The three of them laugh*
Takamina: She was pretty panicky there!

I was so amused that when she asked how she was feeling Mayuyu had started pretty calm but then started screeching when she went to the “SO FUUUN” part ahaha. THAT RANDOMNESS ABOUT YOU IS WHAT I LOVE SO MUCH MAYUYU

Also… Zetsubou-sensei! That’s some good taste you have there~ <3

– What you’re currently into…

Mayuyu: What I’m really into lately…? Well, I said something about it earlier but…. Anime.
The other two: Ahh anime….
Mayuyu: My recommendation this time is an anime called Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei.
Takamina: Ah, Ito… Itoshiki.
Yukirin: Itoshiki something.

Mayuyu: It’s interesting! Please watch it!

I’m a fan of anime and Zetsubou-sensei as well~ I’M SO HAPPY OUR INTERESTS MATCH MY LOVE (*´д`*)

I’m glad that Mayuyu’s such an otaku as well~ Man, switching to the AKB48 fandom is going to be the greatest! I look forward to filling this blog with only AKB48 info from now on. MAYUYUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU OH IT RHYMES (・∀・)

As you can probably tell by now I’m just having fun here on April Fools~ Happy April Fools day!

I’m not tired of Seiyuu! …Not yet at least ;)

Amusingly though, I actually have pretty much zero interest and know next to nothing about AKB48 lolol. Other than Mayu’s name(and just her nickname at that lol, you can blame Hikasa, Hanazawa, Taketatsu and Hayami for that haha), I had no idea about anything regarding the fandom. To tell the truth I had to do quite a bit of research into their radio shows and into who these people are and what their nicknames were ahaha orz. I have nothing against them though, they’re actually surprisingly more normal than I expected after hearing them… I don’t know exactly what I was expecting though now that I think about it haha.

Also, I actually wanted to touch on the fact that January and especially February had been pretty sparse in updates though. As some people already know from my twitter, I had taken a trip to Japan/Korea/Malaysia during the month of February (It was fun!) which explains the sparse updates for February, but for January, I grabbed a couple of posts from that month and placed them into February instead, which is why January had a reduced number of posts as well.

Oh and for those who thought this post looked a bit familiar and still remembers what happened last year, thanks for following for a year! o/

Hanazawa Kana no Hitori de Dekiru Kana? #111

March 30th, 2012 § 5 comments § permalink

Name: 花澤香菜のひとりでできるかな?
Host: Hanazawa Kana
Date: 2012.03.28

Kana has Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook there with her and she points out a couple of pictures which were her favourites lol. She mentions that it’s apparently selling like crazy and congratulates her :D

– Kana mentions that she’s gonna be given Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook by Ayana herself.

– Hong Kong’s reaction to Hanazawa Kana. Kana went to Hong Kong as a guest for an event recently which is what she’s referring to here.

Kana: The people in Hong Kong were really receptive to me coming! It was amazing! You know, there was a girl who was like *Screetches in a bad japanese accent lol*“HA-NA-ZA-WA-SAN I LUVVV YOUUUU” to me! *laughs* She said it right in front of me to my face! *laughs* On the way to the stage I had to go through a lot of people, it was crazy! By the way they were cheering and screaming it made me think “Am I some kind of Hollywood actress or something?!?”! Wow…  It made me think that they really do show their appreciation different than here. It made me really happy but… It made me laugh *laughs* I was really surprised. Thank you all the people in Hong Kong and also the people who came from Japan to Hong Kong at the event. *laughs*

– Lol Kana laments that she didn’t have a chance to go sight seeing at all on the trip to Hong Kong, she arrived at the airport at night, took a taxi to the hotel, slept, then went to the Event hall and then it was straight back to the airport with a taxi lol. The Yuruyuri girls were on the same flight as her so she guesses that they had the same experience as well haha.

– Listener asks if Kana has a thigh fetish…

Kana: I guess I might have a thigh fetish? If you noticed before when I was talking about Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook I did point out a picture due to her thighs. Well it was different from the first picture I chose though, the first one had something to do with her chest area I think *laughs*. But if I were to say then I guess I would say that I have a thigh fetish. *laughs* Plump legs and thin legs are both fine with me too! *laughs* I think they’re good~ *laughs* What am I talking about?? If I were to say this stuff to YuiKaori their manager would kill me! *laughs* I need to be careful! And the HitoKana staff! You need to be careful too! Err, when I say something dangerous like that you need to edit it out!
Staff: You’re gonna get arrested!
Kana: *laughs* Yeah, you need to watch over what I say!

– What’s made her heart skip a beat recently…

Kana: What’s made my heart skip a beat recently was when… Ogura Yui-chan and my eyes met and… I blew her a kiss and she went *mmnnnn chu!* and blew a kiss right back at me! *laughs*
Staff: What are you doing?!
Kana: *laughs* Eh? But our eyes met during the break! While there was nothing else happening *laughs* It was so cute~! I let out a screech when it happened and startled the person next to me, Yuuki Aoi-chan. *laughs*

Lol what are you doing Kana?! Sounds like she’s having a lot of fun~ :D

– Being presented with three different girls to kiss…

Kana: I can’t choose between them! Ahh so cute~ They’re different types of girls aren’t they! Ayachi is an adoring and loving girl, Yui-chan is like a small animal, cute and always trying her best! That type of girl! And Tomatsu’s the type of girl that you can let down your guard around! Ahh which would I choose….

Kana’s personal harem lol what a wonderful dilemma orz.

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