Mika x Runa Cross Talk

August 3rd, 2010 § 0 comments

Hosts: Inoue Marina, Asumi Kana
Date: Early 2009

A 12 minute “radio” cast comment sorta thing released with the Drama CD for Mikarun X. Mikarun X is a yuri manga by the way >:). I can’t really recall much about it now that I think about it but I remember… Spell casting and… Giant naked girls? lol…

– Marina comments how Runa would pull Mika to a hotel, to which Asumi tries to stop Marina from continuing on with ahaha.

– Lots of talk about how yuriyuri the drama CD was lol.

– Both of them were surprised that they had to record a character song specifically for the Drama CD, saying that it was a waste that the song was going to be used only for the Drama CD.

– Marina had not recorded her part of the song yet and said she was worried about how well she’d sing it, to which Asumi goes all “Marina you’ll sing it easily! You can sing so well!” in a really child like screeching voice lolol, Marina follows suite and imitates the same voice and starts wallowing in her worries.

It then degenerates into them screeching at each other randomly lol, with Asumi finishing it off with “Stop touching me!”. Ahaha where was she touching her? :O This part was definitely the highlight :D

– Marina talks about how she didn’t look forward to doing the spell casting in the Drama CD lol.

– When talking about the SFX in the Drama CD the two of them break off into imitating the sound effects used. Explosions and stuff lol.

The two of them seem like close friends so it’s pretty fun to listen to. Additionally they’re pretty relaxed on the cd and they messed around quite a bit. Marina kept poking into the yuri aspects of the material and Asumi kept trying to pull her back lol.

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