Kikeba I-Jyan! Shugo Chara!dio #8

July 9th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink





Hosts: Itou Kanae, Toyosaki Aki, Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae
– Talking about things each one of them do every day.

Nanae: Drink a cup of sweet milk tea every morning. Her mum said it helps her throat so she’s been trying it for herself.

Asumi: Check her phone for fortune telling stuff every morning, though she forgets about it completely by the afternoon regardless if its a good fortune or bad fortune. Everyone else replies saying that they look up their own fortunes on the phone as well. Kanae checks her fortune at the end of the day to check if it was correct or not, rather than before the day starts.

The conversation gets pretty sidetracked and Aki & Kanae just talks about what they do in the morning or how they read their fortunes.

– As a side note about their blood types.

Asumi: AB

Kanae: B

Nanae: O

Aki: AB

– Aki talks about how lonely she feels living alone again, starting out with “Don’t think of me as a sad person but…”. She says that in the morning she says ‘”Good morning” to her plants and talks to them. <3 Aki. When asked if she gives them names, she refuses to answer… She probably does hah.

Of course everyone’s reaction to that was a bit… Iffy lolol

– This episode’s corner was Chara-nari Challenge. Incidentally the point chart is looking something like this.

Asumi – 5

Aki – 2

Nanae – 7

Everyone started with 5 points, getting to 0 means BATSU GAME, getting to 10 is an unspecified reward. Go Aki!

– Asumi won this episode again, And Aki lost hah. Aki is inching ever so closer to the Batsu game.

– A Toyosaki Aki Pun corner was added at the very end of the episode ahaha, I wonder if they’ll be doing this every week.

Oh wait was there one in a previous episode that I missed…? Hmm…










Kikeba I-Jyan! Shugo Chara!dio #5

July 6th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Itou Kanae, Toyosaki Aki, Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae
– I just realised I missed one episode.

– The four of them mention Asumi Kana’s love confession at the start of this episode. I forgot it was just last episode. That portion was <3.

– While talking about places they were thinking about going to together they started talking about rollercoasters. Itou Kanae was against rollercoasters and couldn’t handle them while everyone else seemed okay with them. Aki mentioned that she loved them.

– This episode’s corner was “Catch the feeling, Chara-nari challenge” Where Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae and Toyosaki Aki attempt “challenges” centred around Itou Kanae.

– The challenge this time around was centred around puns.

– Aki seems to love puns, the way she was laughing at her own ones after saying them was hilarious.

And adorable <3.

– Aki exclaims “Wow I’m hilarious!” while delivering her puns. Ouch Aki~ ahaha. But that’s what’s so loveable about you~ lolol.

– I loved Aki’s puns… But Asumi won. Then again it might have been my own bias due to how Aki acted. Oh well.

Incidentally, Itou Kanae’s ones were the worst hah.

Is it just me or does it seem like Asumi is leading the radio the most out of the four of them? Not that I’m complaining of course, Asumi is an awesome radio host <3

Kikeba IiJyan! Shugo Chara!dio #7

July 2nd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Hosts: Itou Kanae, Toyosaki Aki, Asumi Kana, Katou Nanae

Wow the title looks terrible romanised.

– Shugo Chara radio hosted by Ito Kanae, Asumi Kana, Toyosaki Aki and Katou Nanae. This was in 2008 so it was before K-On! and pretty much before Ito Kanae and Toyosaki Aki became the big names they are today.

– Asumi Kana is as wonderful as ever.

– I know next to nothing about Katou Nanae.

– A listener sent in a mail asking about their hometowns and their dialects. The four of them start talking in their own dialects and it’s pretty interesting to hear. Though Itou Kanae doesn’t really have one, the other three were fun.

Asumi Kana: Fukuoka

Toyosaki Aki: Tokushima

Ito Kanae: Nagano

Katou Nanae: Ibaraki

Asumi exclaimed “Thats not even Japanese anymore!” when Aki started speaking in her dialect.

– In this episode’s corner where they have to adlib lines for a situation, the situation was inviting the person you love for hanami. Katou Nanae groaned loudly when she heard it hah.

– They had to speak their lines as a boy, as well as a personality type which they pulled out at random from a box. Nanae always pulls out the weirdest ones hah, how does this happen everytime?!

– Kanae lost this episode hah, which means she gets the embarassing line batsu game.

Which was: Something a girl would say in her sleep to *kyun* her boyfriend. kjflasdkjfsadkjf Kanae was so embarrassed while doing it ahaha.

– The staff decided that they’d have everyone else do it as well. Thats so horrible, GJ Staff! lolol They agreed to it if Kanae had to do it again as well hah.

I love what the staff, corners and show puts the seiyuu through. They’re always complaining about wanting to go home throughout the show ahaha.


June 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Host: Hirohashi Ryo
Guest: Asumi Kana
Date: June 04, 2010

I’m so slow, I only just realised the name came from Yama[da] + [Wor]king, instead of Yamada + king[royalty] OTL. Asumi Kana guest!

– I love hearing seiyuu using different accents :3

– Seems like Asumi Kana hasn’t been guesting in radio in a while

– Asumi Kana watches WORKING!! late at night as it airs \o/ seems like the recording was done almost half a year ago for the latest episode.

– Hirohashi Ryo being lecherous staring at the cute seiyuu at the recording ahaha

– Asumi comments that Daisuke Ono, Kamiya Hiroshi and Fukuyama Jun seemed really close when she saw them at the recording. Well that’s not really news though lol.

[Asumi: They had conversations that were like middle school boys.]

– Asumi listened to #1 of YAMAKING!!

– For some reason I always thought Asumi was tall but she’s only 160 cm-ish :O

– If Asumi could choose a height to be she would choose to be 150. “Because its cute”

– Hirohashi: “I’ve never done a drive through before! …I wonder if I can do it with a bicycle?”

– Asumi’s first part time job was almost 10 years ago.

– Asumi’s worked as an OL [Office Lady] which Hirohashi exclaimed “Office Love!” to OTL

– “The cake is a lie” Portal material in a listener’s mail lol thats great.(Of course, Hirohashi & Asumi didn’t recognise it.)

I’ll keep an eye out the radio’s guests but I probably won’t keep listening to it unless a guest catches my eye. Or I hear something interesting about a particular episode.

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