Aoi, Saori’s New Show (Temporary Name) #1

May 24th, 2011 § 3 comments

Name: あおい・さおりの新番組(仮)
Hosts: Hayami Saori, Yuuki Aoi
Date: 2011.04.26

A new radio show that’s just recently started hosted by Yuuki Aoi and Hayami Saori. The name’s pretty funny but it’ll probably change soon, it looks like they’re asking listeners to shape the show by submitting ideas for the title and corners.

– The two of them laugh that the title’s kinda weird and Aoi says that the title really hasn’t been decided yet.

– The two of them comment that this is the first time they’ve spoken to one another on radio, and the  day before was the first time they spoke to each other since they went out for dinner to try and get to know each other before the show began. Yeahh you can really tell them stumbling around and how nervous they are lol.

Aoi: “I sent that mail in a serious tone about how we should have dinner for the radio program, but really I was grinning while thinking “I can use this opportunity to get closer to Hayami!” as I sent it <3″
Hayami: “That’s alright, I was doing the same when I replied”

– They decide on new nicknames for themselves rather than ones they’ve been called often. Aoi says she’s been called “Oi-chan” at University recently and they decide on that for her. For Hayami, Aoi decides to call her “Misao” from the Haya-MiSao-ri part of her name and Hayami laughs that it’s a new nickname for her that she hasn’t been called before.

– Aoi says her hobbies are “Watching videos and drawing” She’s pretty much talking about watching stuff on the computer lol.

– Hayami says she doesn’t watch many action films and mostly comedy or dramatic ones that make you cry. Aoi comments that when she watches a sad film she cries so hard that people would avoid her lol.

– Aoi mentions that she went to watch the movie “The King’s Speech” with Kotobuki Minako the other day. Looks like the two of them are still as close as ever since the Hyakka Ryouran radio :D

– Hayami’s first impression of Aoi

Hayami: “The first thing I thought was ‘So cute!’ and your smile is really wonderful”
Aoi: *mumbles and gets embarrassed* “Really? *giggles*”
Hayami: “And when I met you yesterday I thought you were really an interesting person and I loved how easy to talk to you were”
Aoi: “Really? I kinda rant a lot though…”
Hayami: “You listened really well and it was really fun talking to you!”

– Aoi’s first impression of Hayami

Aoi: “You had the impression of an elder sister like neighbour, and I really love those types of people, you really followed my conversations!”

Aoi in a sentence

Aoi: “If I was to describe myself in a sentence… “A girl who wants to live in the 2d world””

Aoi: “I want to fight demon lords and get sucked into another dimension through the toilet and be a character that looks good with pink hair”

Sometimes I think Aoi references Madoka but I’m not sure lol.

– Aoi mentions that she loves Gundam 00’s Lockon Stratos’ character.

Aoi rants about gaming and other otaku stuff on occasion but Hayami follows her really well even if she has no idea about the subject :D

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