Which Witch Radio Sora no Gakkou Housoubu? #1

September 2nd, 2010 § 0 comments

Hosts: Asumi Kana, Toyosaki Aki
Date: 2009.07.30

Radio show for Which Witch, which appears to be some kind of collectible/trading card game..? If you’re confused to why it has a radio show, well it looks like they’re selling character songs based on characters from the game.

Well yeah, something like that. Hah. I’m just happy to hear Aki and Asumi on radio lawl.

– The two of them note that although they’ve talked with one another often, this might be the first time they’ve spoken to each other without anyone else present.

– Aki calls Asumi “Asumi-san” :(

– Aki keeps whacking the microphone lol.

– They play Asumi’s character song on the show, it’s not bad really :O Also it makes me think again that she really sounds like Nanjou Yoshino lol.

– Aki says that her middle school had a specific rule for “No Kancho’ing” lol… The funny thing is that the rule came around because a boy broke his finger while doing it ahahaha.

They ended the radio with Pachelbal’s Canon in the BGM, to their surprise “Are we graduating??” Aki then realises that Asumi’s character (Hanon) sounds like “Canon” and rejoices lol.

Why is Canon playing at the end anyway?

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