Aoi, Saori’s New Show (`・ω・´) #16

September 18th, 2011 § 2 comments

Name: あおい・さおりの新番組(`・ω・´)
Hosts: Hayami Saori, Yuuki Aoi
Guest: Kotobuki Minako
Date: 2011.09.15

A recent episode of Yuuki Aoi’s and Hayami Saori’s radio show guesting Kotobuki Minako. I’ve mentioned before that the three of them are pretty close but this is the first time the three of them have been together on radio if I recall correctly. (EDIT: And it looks like I was wrong. Minako had guested on the first episode of the show making this the second time they’ve been together on radio) Hayami and Aoi had met each other for the first time when the show started, though they were already pretty friendly with Minako but it looks like the three have gone out together in their leisure time ever since and have interlinked their friendships pretty nicely <3. Incidentally they celebrated Minako’s birthday on the episode, despite her birthday being on the 17th of September, a couple days after the broadcast of the episode.

– The two of them refer to Minako as “Our wife” lol.

– They pretend that they don’t have a guest but…

Hayami: We forgot to mention something VERY important!
Aoi: Oh?
Hayami: That!
Aoi: That, right?
Hayami: Yeah that! …Wait do you get what I’m referring to?
Aoi: Yeah that? That.
Hayami: You’re making a face that says you have no idea! *laughs*
Aoi: *laughs* No, no! It’s that, right?
Hayami: So with that… September the 17th is… Our wife, Kotobuki Minako’s birthday!
Aoi: Yeah! That’s it! It’s Mina-chan’s 20th birthday! I want to have a birthday party for her! Lets have one now!
Hayami: Right now?
Aoi: Right now!
Hayami: That’s pretty sudden. What should we do? Should we phone her?
Aoi: How about we all just call out to her. Everyone join in with us! Everyone all together now!
Hayami: Everyone yell out “Mina-chan!” One, two!
Hayami + Aoi: “MINA-CHAAAN!”
Minako: “Did you call~?”
Hayami+Aoi: She’s here!!

Aoi: Sorry for the little act at the start for your intro *laughs*
Minako: *laughs* No, I’m glad you made such a fuss about it!

– They brought in cake to celebrate Minako’s birthday \o/

– Minako and Hayami say that they were both 14 when they entered their respective seiyuu agencies.

– Aoi is the youngest of the three, making her the last of them to reach 20.

– Hayami’s a great listener!

Minako: My image of a mature and elegant lady? When I see a girl who’s good at listening I think that’s great. I’m the type of person who talks a lot so someone who listens well is wonderful.
Aoi: For that image Hayami would be the ideal!
Minako: Yeah that’s right isn’t it?
*Hayami goes all modest and denies it*
Minako: When the three of us go out it’s always me and Aoi doing most of the talking *laughs*
Aoi: Yeah! *laughs*
Minako: She’s the one who listens, directs the conversation and starts the topics!

Hayami was all modest and denied the praise throughout the exchange <3

– Minako spoke about her photobook and brought it in for the two of them and they fangirled over her for a bit at the end heh.

I find it amusing how they refer to Minako as “Our wife” <3

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§ 2 Responses to Aoi, Saori’s New Show (`・ω・´) #16"

  • anonymous says:

    As always, thanks for your awesome posts.

    iirc Minako actually guest-ed on the first episode of this radio when it started on A&G, which is the third episode in total. It was the episode where they celebrated Hayami Saori’s birthday

    • Ambi says:

      Ahh you’re right, I didn’t think to check the first episode since I thought it was a direct continuation of the (Temporary Name) show. Thanks for that.

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