Yuuki Aoi Travels Back Through Time to Meet Little Hayami Saori!

November 19th, 2011 § 11 comments

….Well not really, the two of them just spontaneously started this little act in the middle of their radio lol. This was from their “あおい・さおりの新番組(`・ω・´)/Aoi, Saori’s New Show (`・ω・´)” episode #25 on 2011.11.17. This was a part that I found particularly amusing~ I actually wrote about this on my Soup Mini-blog initially but it ended up longer than I expected so I decided to turn it into a full post here instead.

Note: Hayami calls Aoi “Oi-chan” while Aoi calls her “Misao”.

The video I embedded doesn’t actually start from this point, this is just a bit of background info I translated from the original radio that wasn’t included in the audio excerpt.

Hayami: What would you do if you could travel through time?
Aoi: Rather than going to the future I’d like to go back in time.
Hayami: Hmm? How far back would you go?
Aoi: Maybe sometime around kindergarten?
Hayami: Oh that would be interesting!
Aoi: Playing soccer and stuff back then was so fun…
Hayami: Yeah it was wasn’t it.
Aoi: That was happiness right there.
Hayami: Yeah~ But there’s plenty of happiness in the present as well!
Aoi: Yeah definitely!

————Video starts here————–

Aoi:…But now that we’ve come this far I’ll say this… I think I’ve actually got the ability to travel through time.
Hayami: …?! Huh? What? What is this all of a sudden? *laughs*
Aoi: Well it’s Autumn and it’s really pretty and all so it’s awakened the power sleeping within me. So I can travel through time now.
Hayami: *laughs* Really? You’ve got that power now?
Aoi: Yep.
Hayami: No way! Then do it!
Aoi: Okay I’ll go see you as a child for a bit!
Hayami: What? No way! Uh… Okay go for it…
Aoi: I’m off! Tiiiime LEAP!
*Aoi makes sound effects of her traveling through time and then landing*
Aoi: Hmm? Could you be little Misao?
Little Hayami[AKA. Hayami using a loli voice lol]: Who’s Misao? My name is Saori…
*Little Hayami makes squirming noises (*´▽`*)*
Aoi: Ahh sorrry for being so creepy~
Little Hayami: Eehh?
Aoi: I love little girls! *laughs* [LOL]
Little Hayami: Eeehh? What?
Aoi: In the future, when Saori-chan grows up, me and you will be super close friends!
Little Hayami: With onee-chan? [Note: Little Hayami calls Aoi “onee-chan”]
Aoi: Yup!
Little Hayami: Onee-chan who are you?
Aoi: Well you see, that’s for you to look forward to in the future!
Little Hayami: Eh?
Aoi: Well it’s time for me to head back before I lose control.
Little Hayami: Aww I don’t want you to go! Onee-chan don’t go!
Aoi: AHHH YOU’RE TOO CUTEE! I’m getting enveloped by the light! TIME LEAAAP! *laughs* What’s with this act?!
Hayami: Ohh! Oi-chan you’re back! *laughs*
Aoi: Ah I’ve used all my remaining magic points… In many ways. *laughs*
Hayami: You’re back! Where’d you go?
Aoi: I actually went back to visit little Misao.
Hayami: Oh? What was it like?
Aoi: You were cute~
Hayami: Really??
Aoi: So cute~
Hayami: I wasn’t a little brat?
Aoi: You were really cute. You were saying “Wait~ Don’t go!” to me as I left~ I was thinking that maybe I should’ve just stayed there…
Hayami: *laughs* You can’t do that! We won’t be able to continue on if you do!
Aoi: Yeah that’s right… Not until our MariColle event at least [Note: MariColle is their radio event they’re holding on the 26th of November. The name comes from a shortening of it’s full name, Marine Collection]
Hayami: MariColle! MariColle!
Aoi: MariColle! MariColle! *laughs* [Note: The two of them are laughing at how similar this sounds to “なにこれ!/What’s with this?!”]
Hayami: And this is how we wrap this up?! *laughs*

The remaining few seconds is of the two of them talking about how she won’t make it to their upcoming radio event if Aoi stays behind in the past. [Edit: I added the remaining few lines of text with an explanation of MariColle, I couldn’t be bothered to translate it the first time round due to not really wanting to the explain their little joke of “なにこれ!” into “マリコレ” as well as what MariColle refers to lol]

Hayami’s loli voice was so adorable~ <3 I’m so amused that Aoi just started this little drama impromptu in the middle of the radio and Hayami just followed through so naturally ahaha.

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