Zoku BlazBlue Radio #03

July 20th, 2010 § 0 comments


Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Nakamura Yuuichi

Blazblue Radio was renewed to, what I’m guessing, promote Continuum Shift on the PS3 and XBox 360. I’m not entirely sure though since Continuum Shift was released on July 1st and the radio is still continuing, not to mention it was only up to it’s 3rd episode at that point, perhaps the reason will be given on the first episode.

I skipped ahead to episode 3 due to wanting to listen to Nakamura Yuuichi’s guesting episode, I’ll go back and work through the rest of the episodes after I’m done with this episode.

– Sugita stuffs up reading Nakamura’s name while announcing him as the guest and redoes the introductions from the start.

– In one of the new corners they have an image and they have to finish it off in accordance to a set theme. This episode was a random rectangle with the theme being “Hazama’s important object”

– Imai drew Tetris lol “He might not have many friends… So this could be really important to him”

– Kanako drew a table, where Hazama huddles underneath.

– Nakamura drew Hazama’s glove out of the rectangle. That may be pretty spot on actually.

– Sugita drew a hat rack.

– Nakamura’s picture won, as expected I guess.

– Everyone’s seems to be playing BlazBlue against Nakamura in the next corner. Nakamura hasn’t played before though so the result’s gonna be pretty obvious I’m thinking.

– Kanako wins against Nakamura.

– Imai wins as well. She seems to have been practicing.

– Kanako and Imai comments on how serious Sugita looks while he’s playing. He finishes Nakamura off with a special attack as usual hah.

– Nakamura comments that he doesn’t think he can play Hazama and tries Bang instead. Sugita and Nakamura play again except Nakamura selects Bang and Sugita goes Hazama.

– Doesn’t seem like Sugita knows how to play Hazama so it’s a pretty even match.

– Sugita loses to Nakamura and they comment that Hazama is a pretty hard character.

I enjoyed this episode, Nakamura and Sugita are really close friends after all. Also I just started playing BlazBlue myself so I loved the actual gameplay segments of the show <3

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