Hosts: Sugita Tomokazu, Imai Asami, Kondou Kanako
Guest: Ishiwatari Daisuke
Date: 2010.11.19
Guesting Ishiwatari Daisuke, sound director for BlazBlue. Also it appears that he voiced a character from Guilty Gear and he draws professionally as well. The other three comment that he’s a superman who does everything lol.
– Sugita say’s that they should do another BluRaji episode in 30 years, which Imai responds by saying “…Will I be alive…?” He then says “Of course you’ll be alive! you’d only be 47 years old!” …17 years old + 30 years? lol
– Seems like Ishiwatari composed the music for the theme of the next BlazBlue sung by Imai.
– They played the song on the show. It’s pretty cool really :O
– Sugita picks out number three for the writing order for Ao no Chikara. He always picks up 3 lol, even he commented on it this time.
– Today’s theme for Ao no Chikara was “Marriage Proposal’s Astral Heat”
– They all spoke pretty much about money lol, except Sugita’s was “without parental permission” They start trying to mend it by saying “Oh but money isn’t everything! if there’s love then that’s all that’s needed!”
NEXT EPISODE IS THE LAST EPISODE IFJASDFLKJSKLFJASLKDFJ NOOOOOOOOO I don’t follow any other radio’s as they come out ;_;
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