Ryouko to Kana no Amagami Coming Sweet! Radio CD Bonus #3

May 18th, 2011 § 0 comments

Name: 良子と佳奈のアマガミ カミングスウィート!
Hosts: Shintani Ryouko, Asumi Kana
Guests: Terashima Takuma, Sugita Tomokazu

I’m not actually sure what number this episode is in the Amagami Radio timeline nor when it was recorded. I’m guessing its in between #100-110+ and was recorded recently but I’m not exactly sure. I’ll update it when I find out.

Edit: It looks like I was totally off with my guess, the episode was a bonus radio episode included with Volume 3 of the Amagami Radio CDs released on 2009.10.23, making it sometime around the time the 30th episode was recorded. Almost 2 years ago.

Sugita appeared in one of Amagami’s radio cds as a friend of Junichi lol. That’s a really minor role but I’m not complaining that they brought him on :D

– Apparently Sugita heard about Amagami from one of the developers. Sugita really is close with the staff behind games and stuff :O

– Sugita started with Ayatsuji when he played Amagami, and commented that her route was pretty hard to obtain and ended up on Tanamachi Kaoru’s path lol.

– Sugita had then stopped there but when he found out he had gotten a role in it’s drama CD he played it again from Nanasaki’s route.

– When asked who his favourite character is Sugita says it’s probably Tanamachi Kaoru.

– Sugita calls Asumi “Nesumiss/Nesmith” from her Asumiss nickname to her dismay lol. Nesmith is a black singer, part of the EXILE unit, in Japan lol.

I didn’t write much here but… Sugita was as awesome as ever :D

Seems like Sugita’s been appearing pretty often on radio with other female seiyuu recently. Including bringing Yukana and Hayami Saori onto his own radio, he’s appeared on Mizuki Nana’s M no Sekai and is appearing on Takahashi Mikako’s Payo Payo at the end of the month <3. I really love hearing these :D

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