Iguchi Yuka no Mu~~~n ⊂( ^ω^)⊃ #64

February 7th, 2012 § 2 comments

Name: 井口裕香のむ~~~ん ⊂( ^ω^)⊃
Host: Iguchi Yuka
Guests: Asumi Kana, Taketatsu Ayana, Gibu Yuuko
Date: 2011.12.19

The Tamuyura cast guesting on Iguchi’s radio, this was part of a project to have the cast appear on each of their solo radios. Asumi’s “Hoshizora Hinata Bokko” had Iguchi and Gibu come guest and Ayana’s “Taketatsu Numakura no Hajimete Demo Ii Desu ka?” had Gibu Yuuko come guest. By the way each of the characters drawn on the title image was done by each of their seiyuu, the top left is Fu done by Ayana, top right is Kaoru by Asumi, bottom left is Norie by Iguchi and the bottom right is Maon by Gibu.

– Iguchi attended Takagaki Ayahi’s solo live concert :O

– Ayana greets everyone with “Uiui!“, her own radio’s [Taketatsu, Numakura no Hajimete Demo Ii Desu ka?] greeting.

– It’s been over a year since the last time all three of them came on Iguchi’s radio to guest.

– Describe the good points of Tamayura:

Ayana: The atmosphere!
Iguchi: The character who appears in the show, Norie-chan! [Iguchi’s character lol]
Asumi: Takehara! [The place where Tamayura takes place]
Gibu: The director! [Satou Junichi]

– They try to position Ayana’s head and Asumi’s hand in a way so it looks like Ayana’s head is on Asumi’s hand on camera lol.

– Asumi says Iguchi’s name instead of Gibu…

Asumi: Iguch— No, I mean— *laughs*
Iguchi: Eh what?
Asumi: I meant to say Gibu-san!
Iguchi + Ayana + Gibu: Ahh!
Iguchi: What? What were you saying about me~? *leans in towards Asumi* What were you talking about~~? What did you get wrong~?
Asumi: Stop it! Stop it! *Swats Iguchi away*

– Their favourite episodes of Tamayura:

Iguchi: When Maon first meets Norie on episode six.
Gibu: Episode two, when they have their sleepover. Seeing everyone’s pajamas was great! Except I was in a jersey.
Asumi: Sayomi onee-chan and Pote-tan’s conversation on episode two.
Ayana: Episode one when Kaori-chan said “Welcome back!” to Pote. [Amusingly Gibu wails that she wasn’t in the recording for that episode lol]

– They talk about how they should dress in a Santa costume for the upcoming Tamayura event but they talk about how they’d have to get their agency’s individual permission before they can. Gibu is freelance though so she’s okay :O. Well we all know they ended up in Santa costumes for the event though :D

– They try to seriously organise a dinner night out with the four of them, Gibu says that if they’re all serious then she’ll plan it all for the three other “Popular seiyuu” lol.

Having Asumi and Iguchi sit next to each other was great :D The two of them were all over each other throughout the episode, tapping, poking, slapping, and leaning on each other at times :D

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