Hanazawa Kana no Hitori de Dekiru Kana? #111

March 30th, 2012 § 5 comments

Name: 花澤香菜のひとりでできるかな?
Host: Hanazawa Kana
Date: 2012.03.28

Kana has Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook there with her and she points out a couple of pictures which were her favourites lol. She mentions that it’s apparently selling like crazy and congratulates her :D

– Kana mentions that she’s gonna be given Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook by Ayana herself.

– Hong Kong’s reaction to Hanazawa Kana. Kana went to Hong Kong as a guest for an event recently which is what she’s referring to here.

Kana: The people in Hong Kong were really receptive to me coming! It was amazing! You know, there was a girl who was like *Screetches in a bad japanese accent lol*“HA-NA-ZA-WA-SAN I LUVVV YOUUUU” to me! *laughs* She said it right in front of me to my face! *laughs* On the way to the stage I had to go through a lot of people, it was crazy! By the way they were cheering and screaming it made me think “Am I some kind of Hollywood actress or something?!?”! Wow…  It made me think that they really do show their appreciation different than here. It made me really happy but… It made me laugh *laughs* I was really surprised. Thank you all the people in Hong Kong and also the people who came from Japan to Hong Kong at the event. *laughs*

– Lol Kana laments that she didn’t have a chance to go sight seeing at all on the trip to Hong Kong, she arrived at the airport at night, took a taxi to the hotel, slept, then went to the Event hall and then it was straight back to the airport with a taxi lol. The Yuruyuri girls were on the same flight as her so she guesses that they had the same experience as well haha.

– Listener asks if Kana has a thigh fetish…

Kana: I guess I might have a thigh fetish? If you noticed before when I was talking about Taketatsu Ayana’s photobook I did point out a picture due to her thighs. Well it was different from the first picture I chose though, the first one had something to do with her chest area I think *laughs*. But if I were to say then I guess I would say that I have a thigh fetish. *laughs* Plump legs and thin legs are both fine with me too! *laughs* I think they’re good~ *laughs* What am I talking about?? If I were to say this stuff to YuiKaori their manager would kill me! *laughs* I need to be careful! And the HitoKana staff! You need to be careful too! Err, when I say something dangerous like that you need to edit it out!
Staff: You’re gonna get arrested!
Kana: *laughs* Yeah, you need to watch over what I say!

– What’s made her heart skip a beat recently…

Kana: What’s made my heart skip a beat recently was when… Ogura Yui-chan and my eyes met and… I blew her a kiss and she went *mmnnnn chu!* and blew a kiss right back at me! *laughs*
Staff: What are you doing?!
Kana: *laughs* Eh? But our eyes met during the break! While there was nothing else happening *laughs* It was so cute~! I let out a screech when it happened and startled the person next to me, Yuuki Aoi-chan. *laughs*

Lol what are you doing Kana?! Sounds like she’s having a lot of fun~ :D

– Being presented with three different girls to kiss…

Kana: I can’t choose between them! Ahh so cute~ They’re different types of girls aren’t they! Ayachi is an adoring and loving girl, Yui-chan is like a small animal, cute and always trying her best! That type of girl! And Tomatsu’s the type of girl that you can let down your guard around! Ahh which would I choose….

Kana’s personal harem lol what a wonderful dilemma orz.

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§ 5 Responses to Hanazawa Kana no Hitori de Dekiru Kana? #111"

  • Kit-Tsukasa says:

    More Ogura Yui fun =D I would love to see her as a guest on Hanazawa-san’s radio show just to see how lovable both of them can be. I think it would be an unforgettable episode and Ogura-san is indeed a small cute animal that always tries her best. You just can’t say no to these type of girls.

  • Kamon says:

    lol, Kanar’s got such a nice harem~

  • lora says:

    Hahaha! Hanazawa-san Harem. Hahahaha! She has a good taste in picking her harem group.. LOL XD

  • Kana….. my god her words made my day! She is probably going to get killed by YuiKaori’s manager or something. So cute of Yui to return that “kiss”” wwww

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